Sunshine's pick: Book of the Month! 

I wanted to spotlight the book "Delphys Rising" by Kip Koelsch as my pick for THE BOOK OF THE MONTH!

Delphys Rising is a thought-provoking, speculative fiction thriller.

Genre: Science Fiction/ Thriller / Suspense

Pages: 322 

What makes this book different than similar ones in its genre? Author Kip Koelsch has this to say, "The complexity of the story and the believability of the science involved. I’ve been interested in dolphins (and to a lesser extent, whales) my entire life and I think the extensive research I’ve done for both my books places "Delphys Rising"—even though it is definitely speculative fiction—still within the realm of the possible. Second, I think I’ve created credible, multidimensional characters that adapt and evolve throughout the story."

From the author:  "I hope my readers are entertained—absorbed into the world and characters of "Delphys Rising". I want them to enjoy the story. Second, I hope it makes them think a bit more about humanity’s place in the world and our relationships with the environment we depend on and the other species with which we share the planet. Finally, I hope it enlightens them about some of serious issues surrounding the world’s dolphins and whales and prompts them to seek further information (and maybe take action)." - Kip Koelsch

What others are saying about "Delphys Rising":

 “While Kip Koelsch’s novel DELPHYS RISING, the follow up to Wendall’s Lullaby, is not the first fictional exploration on the allure of human-dolphin communications, strong storytelling, excellent pacing and a highly original plot make the work stand out as an exemplar of the thriller/sci-fi genres.”
- IndieReader 

 “The author has crafted an amazing scenario that seems all the more plausible because of his skillful and knowledgeable writing. The characters all come across as authentic and credible, and the whole scenario leads the reader to believe that such a center exists. I have not read the first book by Kip Koelsch, but Delphys Rising is a stand-alone book and it did not deter me from enjoying and relating to the story. It certainly encourages the reader to pick up the first book to relate to the origin of the story and to the transition of Dr. Evan McMillon. The writing and the dialogue flow well, making this an enjoyable read from the start. An author to watch.”
- Readers Favorite

 “A dolphin communication project produces searching questions for humans in this stand-alone sequel. Koelsch (Wendall’s Lullaby, 2017) narrates in a simple style, deftly moving between characters to weave an intricate story of personal growth, relationships (both human and interspecies), and political and military intrigue. The protagonists and supporting cast are all given weight. Although individually this makes them stand out less, it grants the tale a holistic depth to match the gravitas of its subject matter. The dispersed character focus may rob events of some of their urgency, yet the plot, without ever becoming predictable, gains enough momentum to pull readers in.”
- Kirkus Reviews

To connect with Kip Koelsch:

To purchase your copy: 

 I wanted to spotlight the book "Pain With Purpose" by Keynikka Houston
 as my pick for the BOOK OF THE MONTH!

Book Summary: Are you tired of feeling trapped by the pain of the past? The "Pain With Purpose" book offers a new perspective on healing and living a fulfilling life despite suffering from trauma. Written by a survivor of trauma and abuse herself, this book offers a unique blend of personal experience and biblical insights. From exploring the link between pain and meaning to finding purpose and resilience in the face of suffering, "Pain With Purpose" is an inspiring and empowering guide for anyone looking to find hope and healing in the midst of pain.

Genre: Christian, Self Help

Pages: 227

"What I want readers to gain from my book is that life is not over yet, and God can heal and change your heart." - Author Keynikka Houston

To purchase the book, "Pain With Purpose":


To connect with Author Keynikka Houston:




I wanted to spotlight the book Of These, I Am: A Hope to Exclaim the Mind by Matthew Jefferson as my pick for the  BOOK OF THE MONTH!

This is Matthew Jefferson's  third book in which he  invites others to journey with him  to uncover the depths of the Spirit.

From the author himself: "My goal is this: That people understand that division is keen and unity is fine- there is a time for each. Do not think it is a sin to question Yahweh God... for what loving father would find shame in his child asking why? Horror and divinity in this world can sometimes beam together like a single hum- and morality seems confusing like a blind man in a maze. And because of stubborn haste, misunderstanding is the worst plague- starting wars and strife in companionship"

An excerpt from his book: 

 Poem twenty six, entitled, "My Dream Come True"

'My dream came true.'

 Evening orange of the sky

Uneven with the white

ripped clouds

and the orange setting sun.

 Walking in a meadow

I am such, of tall grasses

and purple tid-bitten buds

on wild flower weeds.

 Let me breathe the air

of the

untouched field.

 Don't arrive early,

as I might be here still,

picking the flowers soon to fall,

but full of color still.


If you come late,

In a vase you will find wildflowers still.

And a note saying,

'I'm in the meadow still.'

 To purchase your copy of Jefferson's book Of These I am:


To connect with Author Matthew Jefferson:

I wanted to spotlight “When the Rivers Swell” by Sierra Elliott as my pick for THE BOOK OF THE MONTH.

 “When the Rivers Swell” is a biblical fiction novel about the Exodus from Egypt, as seen through the eyes of one Hebrew girl and one Egyptian girl. This book landed  #1 on Amazon in the category of:  New Release in Biblical Fiction  and Book #2 is being released in the Fall of 2023!

Genre: Biblical Fiction / Christian Historical Fiction

Pages: 346

What makes this book different from those in its genre? Author  Sierra Elliott  has this to say, “We all know the Bible story of Moses and the Exodus, but my book allows readers to experience the plagues through the eyes of two girls who lived it. Hannah is a Hebrew who has Moses warning the people what's coming, but Anipe is an Egyptian who is in the dark (literally during one plague). As Hannah and Anipe navigate the difficulties of surviving the plagues. Readers will get to see Anipe's coming to faith story and Hannah's struggle to trust God & boldly preach salvation.”

From the author: “My hope for this book is that readers will understand that God is still good even through the storms of life and they are chosen by God for a purpose.” 

A quote from the book: "What is that?!" Bennu cried, falling to his knees beside Anipe. "Look, Papa!" Suddenly, Anipe saw it too. Through the center of the river, a red stream of blood was churning toward them."

What others are saying about “When the Rivers Swell”:

"When the Rivers Swell …what an adventure of a read! I have read the story of Exodus in the Bible countless times since I was a child, but this book brought new perspectives of how it actually felt to be within the plagues as an Egyptian and a Hebrew. It made me want to re-read the story of Moses and Pharaoh. What more could you want in a book than to be transported to a different time and yet also drive you closer to God and your relationship with Him?!" -Kalicia Esh

"Wow. This book is a must read. The author does an amazing job at immersing you into Egypt at the time of Exodus. It’s evident that lots of research went into creating this book. I loved seeing the plagues from the perspectives of not only the Hebrews, but also the Egyptians. A lot of questions the characters had about who God is and why He would let such terrible things happen were very relatable. The author highlights the goodness of God, his faithfulness, and his sovereignty in the midst of circumstances we don’t understand. The threads of redemption weaved into this story will draw you closer to the Lord and overwhelm you with thanksgiving at His goodness throughout history." -Kayla Steel

"I really enjoyed this book. I have read a lot of Biblical fiction about the Exodus, but this one is the first to show what it might have been like for Egyptians during the plagues. This would be a perfect book for pre-teen girls and up. The story of these two young girls, Hannah (Hebrew) and Anipe (Egyptian), and their families was hard to put down." -Cindy Simpson

 To connect with Author Sierra Elliott:

To purchase your copy:


For the month of November, I wanted to spotlight the book "Hazel Eyes" by Maritza Mejia as my pick for the BOOK OF THE MONTH!

"Hazel Eyes" takes the reader on a journey to discover spiritual experiences of faith and perseverance. An inspirational memoir for teenagers and adults.

Genre : Nonfiction

Number of pages: 130

 "The reason I wrote this book was to take the reader on a journey to view my personal life and to reveal my experience of faith. This memoir connects each chapter with common stories and supernatural events that I experienced from childhood through adulthood. The topics I included range from my doubts and questions as a teenager, my studies, travels, engagement, motherhood, parenting skills, aging, and dying matters."  - Author Maritza Mejia

What others are saying about "Hazel Eyes":

"Maritza M. Mejia, author of "Hazel Eyes", truly has an art to convey well her experiences in this memoir. It will probably be the most unique book you'll ever read. It covers her early childhood, living life in Colombia, her older years studying, and living abroad, and takes you right through her adulthood, coming to live in America. This book is interesting and one you'll look back upon and recall Mrs. Mejia's simple, yet meaningful tales!" - Author Lisa Waters

"Through the eyes of the author we take a journey through her own spiritual awakening. Most of us have had some sort of awakening at a point in our life and I found it extremely interesting to compare the author's experiences with my own. Though our backgrounds are very different, there are so many feelings and insights that we have in common, many common beliefs! This book will help you recall many precious things that our busy days sometimes make us forget. I highly recommend this book!!" - MaryAnn

To purchase "Hazel Eyes" :

Connect with Author Maritza Mejia:
Social Media: @luzdlemes

I wanted to spotlight "Miss Marble's Backyard Critters" written by Pat Brooks and illustrated by Bill Connolly as my pick for the BOOK OF THE MONTH! Rick Chaboudy, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Suncoast Animal League wrote the Foreword for the book! It's a delight for the entire family!

Savvy cat Miss Marble makes sure her favorite person, Lindsey Jo, doesn’t miss the antics and drama happening right in their own backyard!

Genre: Chapter book 

Pages: 90 including quizlet 

What makes this book different from similar ones in its genre? Author Pat Brooks has this to say, "This book shares a strong animal-human bond that resonates with humor and heart; the wise cat introduces a fun-loving little girl to colorful critters through educational and exciting encounters."

From the author: "I hope this book brings awareness of the importance of all living beings, and respect for nature and our environment." - Pat Brooks

A quote from the book:  “You see and hear what I cannot. Will you help me find out what is going on?” Miss Marble’s teeth began to click excitedly and LJ was eager to find out why."

What others are saying about "Miss Marble's Backyard Critters":

 “…keeps you entertained until you suddenly realize, ‘Wow, I’ve learned something!”

“…supposed to be a children’s book but I loved it. Well written and it it certainly taught me things I didn’t know about animals.”

“What a delightful read. The grandkids loved it!”

“We absolutely loved it! Thanks Pat for keeping our young readers entertained.”

“Cutely illustrated, simple and fun way for all of us (not just children) to learn more about the ‘critters’ with whom we share our backyards and the world.”

To purchase your copy of "Miss Marble's Backyard Critters":

Follow along with Miss Marble the cat:


I wanted to spotlight "The MuttCracker" by Donna Parrey as my pick for THE BOOK OF THE MONTH! Donna Parrey’s delightful version of E.T.A. Hoffmann’s famous Nutcracker story features 15 breeds of dogs and is beautifully illustrated by Branden Lucas. 

What do you get when you combine man's best friend with the holiday's favorite ballet story? Why, The MuttCracker, of course!

Genre: Children's picture book fiction

 Pages: 32

I asked the author, "What do you hope your readers will gain from reading your books?" Parrey's answer: "I hope readers get a thrill from seeing their pet come alive in the pages of my book and an appreciation of the arts as a source of stories."

A quote from the book: "Godfather Droolmeister mysteriously appeared in the room for a moment and cast a magic spell. 'Santa Claus...Puppy paws...Let Christmas magic fill these walls!'"

What others are saying about "The MuttCracker": 

"The MuttCracker" is very well written. I could easily see the story unfold in my mind as I was reading. It is beautifully illustrated. I highly recommend this book. It will make a great Christmas present." - Richard D.

"Delightful story and wonderful illustrations. A must for anyone who has children in their lives!" - Barry G.

"Great fun take on The Nutcracker for kids! The illustrations are amazing! Highly recommend. Makes a great gift for the holidays!" - Meg

To purchase your copy of "The MuttCracker":



To connect with Donna Parrey: 


I wanted to spotlight "The Self That I Long to Believe In - The Challenge of Building Self-Esteem" by Craig D. Lounsbrough  as my pick for THE BOOK OF THE MONTH! This book will inspire you to grow, overcome, and live a truly robust life in the midst of life's challenges.

This is book written to give people a handful of workable thoughts and a reliable road out of the low self-esteem that has dogged their days and darkened their lives.

Genre: Christian, Self-Help, Personal Growth

Number of pages: 216

I asked the author, What makes your book different from those in its genre?

"This book is a combination of thirty-eight years of walking with a nearly innumerable number of people who found themselves bent under the weight of self-hatred. Over these years, I have written a large number of articles and blogs on this difficult and paralyzing issue. This book is a thoughtfully expanded and enriched collection of this material, carefully and meticulously brought into book format. The chapters are unapologetically practical, speaking to people not in some theoretical format, for that does very little for hurting people. Rather, this book speaks into the darkness of their pain and the hopelessness of their vision for themselves." - Craig D. Lounsbrough

A quote from the book: "The question is, 'what is my purpose?' It’s embracing that question, and insistently asking it until we have the answer squarely in our hands so that we can begin to live it out squarely in our lives. That action both defines and breaks open our existence in ways few other things do. And it most certainly validates the worth of our existence."

What others are saying about "The Self That I Long to Believe In - The Challenge of Building Self-Esteem: 

"I cannot begin to articulate all the reasons this book has been so profoundly impactful to me. And even further, a resource, a tool to assist the many in my life who struggle with self-esteem." - Amazon Reviewer

"Our worth is in our existence and being obedient to God's call on our life and not proving ourselves to some cultural definition of success. I love the reminder and shift in my perspective of where my self-worth comes from through this chapter." - Amazon Reviewer

"When I finished it, I just felt different. I felt (and feel!) ready to go forward as the person I know I have been created to be." - Amazon Reviewer

To purchase your copy of "The Self That I Long to Believe In - The Challenge of Building Self-Esteem": 


To connect with Author Craig D. Lounsbrough: 




Tune into Craig's “Life Talk” podcast on i-Tunes and iHeart Radio


I wanted to spotlight "Sand Between Your Toes" by Anna Kettle as my pick for THE BOOK OF THE MONTH.

"Sand Between Your Toes"’ is a collection of Bible based reflections, prayers and practical tips on living a slower, simple and more soulful life. This book is themed all around learning to live in God’s rest in your every day life.

Genre: Christian Devotional 

Book information:  100 devotionals, each double pages but they are quite light and easy to read - ideal reading for people with busy lives. Also, they aren’t dated or numbered so you can dip in and out of wherever you want to.

I asked the author...What makes your book different from those in its genre?

 "I’ve not written it as an ‘expert’ or as someone who finds resting easy, but rather as a learner on the journey. So it has a really ‘with you in it’ style and focuses on small, manageable changes that we can all make in our everyday lives." -Author Anna Kettle 

Quote from the book: “Saying no when you already feel over-stretched and overloaded in order to prioritize the health of your own soul is not selfish; it’s necessary. And it’s also the right thing to do, both for you and for those around you. You simply can’t give what you don’t have, and you can’t care well for others if you don’t care for yourself.”

"My hope (for my readers) is that they come away encouraged and inspired that the more restful life they long for isn’t out of their grasp. They can begin to live in it now, without completely re-ordering every single aspect of their life." -Anna Kettle 

 To purchase your copy of "Sand Between Your Toes":


To find out more about Author Anna Kettle:


You can download some sample pages of the book out now for FREE - click here 




For the month of April, I wanted to feature a cozy mystery, "Handmade Mayhem" written by Gina Holder as my pick for THE BOOK OF THE MONTH! It’s HGTV meets Hallmark Mysteries! This book will be free from April 23rd through April 27th, 2024. Readers can sign up for her newsletter (see contact info below) to receive a free crossword and word search puzzle based on the book. 

Pages: 221

What makes your book different from those in its genre? Author Gina Holder has this to say, "My main character, Addie Masters, learns a spiritual lesson along with solving the mystery. She's also a redheaded, overall-wearing, junk collector."

What others are saying about "Handmade Mayhem": 

"It’s HGTV meets Hallmark Mysteries! "Handmade Mayhem" introduces readers to Addie Masters, a DIYer who owns a junk removal company. When she finds a dead body and a friend is implicated, she launches her own investigation to figure out what happened. Addie with her pot belly pig is a memorable character you’ll root for. "Handmade Mayhem" is a fun and cozy small town murder mystery with twists and turns that will keep you flipping pages until the very end!"
- Christy Barritt, USA TODAY bestselling author of The Beach Bound Books and Beans Mysteries 

To connect with Gina Holder:

To purchase your copy:

 I wanted to spotlight the book "Murray's Miraculous Mission" by Author Brooke Young as my pick for the BOOK OF THE MONTH!

This book is a colorful, joyful journey that highlights the importance and power of compassion, volunteering, and the profound impact of Therapy Dogs. "Murray's Miraculous Mission" is geared toward children, especially those who are wanting to learn about service, volunteering, and helping others.

Grade: Pre-K through 4th grade

Pages: 26

What makes your book different from those in its genre? Author Brooke Young has this to say, "What I believe makes my book different is that the entire story is rooted in my real experiences of training therapy dogs.  My Grandpa and I trained my first therapy dog when I was around eight years old. Through that experience, I learned so much about compassion, growth, multigenerational friendships, therapy dogs, and of course, volunteering. My book is very open and honest and a true recollection, in a fun way, of the lessons I learned. In true Brooke Fashion, the book is colorful, exciting, and sprinkled with humor!"

"I hope that readers will walk away with a new understanding of multigenerational friendships. What can we learn from people outside of our generation? What can we share? How can we create a truly beautiful and collaborative society? In addition to that, I hope they have fun learning about volunteering and think of ways to implement service in their own life. I hope readers follow along and see how both Brooke and Murray, the main characters, step further into their purpose and grow in compassion and excitement for their work! Anyone, in any way, can make a huge difference."  - Author Brooke Young

What others are saying about "Murray's Miraculous Mission": 

"Not only is this book adorably illustrated and beautifully written, it shows children the power of love and compassion and teaches them the importance of volunteering and being there for others - all through an amazing therapy dog named Murray! Kids (and their adults) will instantly fall in love with the fluffy Murray, who is the most happy when he brings joy to others. Wonderful book!" - NeoMuadDib

"As a lifelong educator, I highly recommend this engaging story of a real therapy dog on a real mission with his amazing owner, Brooke. Murray spreads joy through his interactions with residents in nursing homes, hospitals and other congregate care settings. Brooke spreads compassion and intergenerational care and love through her travels with Murray. This story will inspire dog lovers and humanitarians alike. It may even spawn a family's interest in sponsoring or training a therapy dog, and it should certainly spur settings with older residents to pursue bringing a therapy dog onsite. Mostly it should remind all readers that we need to spend quality time with our elders, because they have love and wisdom to share with all generations, but especially with children and youth. And with dogs, of course!"  - Amazon Customer

To purchase books and connect with Author Brooke Young:


*All books are signed by Author and Murray


​I wanted to spotlight "Hush Now, Don't Cry" by Maggie Casteen as my pick for the Book of the Month!

This book is an intelligent thriller you won't be able to put down!

Genre: Mystery/thriller

Pages: 252 

What makes this book different from those in its genre? The Author Maggie Casteen has this to say. "My book is a thrilling mystery without explicit language or scenes. Most mystery books now have unnecessary language and explicit scenes and I want to give readers another option."

 "I want my readers to gain a reading experience they will not be able to forget."  - Maggie Casteen

A  quote  from the book: “Shhh,” the voice behind her whispered, “hush now, don’t cry.” And then he slowly grabbed her by the waist. “I’m going to take care of you.” Sandy closed her eyes as they started to back into the alley. She knew what was coming...she had been found."

What readers are saying about "Hush Now, Don't Cry": 

 "A sharp, observant, and intelligent thriller. The mystery at the heart of the plot is intriguing, and Casteen tosses in plenty of curveballs while skillfully using thriller tropes to heighten the tension as the story builds to its satisfying ending. The intricate plotting and fully developed characters keep the reader invested. Fans of nail-biting suspense thrillers will want to take a look."
-The Prairie Book Review 

"Rich in details, the author drops the reader into the mystery immediately and relies upon a character from the first book in the series to solve the mystery. Thoughtful clues are revealed throughout the plot and allow the reader to discover and guess along with the main character. The likable main character will keep readers coming back for more."
- The BookLife Prize

"Loved it! I couldn't read it fast enough. I enjoyed trying to guess what's next. I didn't really know the outcome until the end of the book. I would definitely recommend this book!"

​-Professor of Military Science Maj. Donald P. Brooks

To Purchase "Hush Now, Don't Cry":


To connect with Author Maggie Casteen:





For the month of December, I wanted to spotlight Gary Roen's "Slotski's World : Book Two" from his short story collections as my pick of THE BOOK OF THE MONTH.

"Gary Slotski's World" are stories of a teddy bear with amazing powers to help people in time of need. Traces Stacey and Myron Beagle loved their residence in Christmas, Florida, until one day when they returned home from shopping in Titusville to find it completely gone.

Genre: Science fiction 

Pages: 180 

Here are what others are saying about "Slotski's World : Book Two":

"These are the kind of stories in “Slotski’s World,” that grab you right from the outset. They pull you in and don’t let you go. That’s probably because each one has arisen out of the author’s personal experience, which he carefully lays out in a series of brief “Author’s Notes.“ There is a personal quality to each of them that carries with it a certain charm to match the storylines themselves, carefully crafted around a sagacious teddy bear, who pulls this volume together and leaves you wanting more…"   -  Kenneth Hanson, Program Director, Associate Professor Judaic Studies, University of Central Florida

 To connect with Author Gary Roen: 




 You can purchase "Slotski's World : Book Two" from the following book retail sites: & &

 I wanted to spotlight the book "Pain With Purpose" by Keynikka Houston
 as my pick for the BOOK OF THE MONTH!

Book Summary: Are you tired of feeling trapped by the pain of the past? The "Pain With Purpose" book offers a new perspective on healing and living a fulfilling life despite suffering from trauma. Written by a survivor of trauma and abuse herself, this book offers a unique blend of personal experience and biblical insights. From exploring the link between pain and meaning to finding purpose and resilience in the face of suffering, "Pain With Purpose" is an inspiring and empowering guide for anyone looking to find hope and healing in the midst of pain.

Genre: Christian, Self Help

Pages: 227

"What I want readers to gain from my book is that life is not over yet, and God can heal and change your heart." - Author Keynikka Houston

To purchase the book, "Pain With Purpose":


To connect with Author Keynikka Houston:




For the month of April, I wanted to feature Spencer Borisoff's debut book " "Work Sucks!: A Funny View of a Serious Problem" as my pick of THE BOOK OF THE MONTH!! 

“Work Sucks” slaps the biggest, baddest bully the world has ever seen - work - square on its jaw.

"Through a very unique voice that shouts and shares a universal message “Work Sucks!”’ readers will gain a sense that someone - FINALLY - is willing to stand up for them against a system that demands we work around the clock from sunrise to sunset - and readers will laugh constantly while doing so. " - Author  Spencer Borisoff 

This book is unique in its voice, expressing work experiences readers can all relate to from a hysterical and poignant perspective that has never  been shared before.

 What others are saying about "Work Sucks": 

"This book provides a hilarious depiction of work and is a fun book to read. It says everything you have probably experienced about work, but never thought about how to exactly put it into words. The author has a creative way of explaining all of the problematic and horrific elements of work most of us experience during our working careers (e.g. alarm clocks, rush hour, performance reviews, horrible bosses, job interviews, taxes, etc.). It's a refreshing look at the work world as we know it and the author is not afraid to be critical and condemn the entire system, and that is what makes this book so enjoyable as we can all relate based on our own experiences as well." - Fitts

 "Loved this book! Funny, witty and a easy read. The author is spot on in so many ways. Think I will call in sick tomorrow! Thanks Mr.Borisoff" - Will

"Excellent quick read if you’re looking for a unique perspective on corporate America with many laughs along the way. Just the ‘what I really wanted to say’ resignation letters are enough to pick up the book today."  - SouthPaw25

 To connect with Spencer Borisoff: 

Instagram: Works Sucks The Book

To purchase your copy:


I wanted to spotlight the book "Defeating the Bully Within: A Woman’s Guide to Confronting and Controlling Her Inner Critic" by Trudy Z. Guy as my pick for THE BOOK OF THE MONTH.

In “Defeating the Bully Within” Trudy uses Biblical truths and relatable examples
that if applied, can help you win the fight against negative thinking.

Genre: Spiritual Self Help

Number of pages: 122

What makes your book different from those in its genre? The Author Trudy Guy has this to say: 
"Most books on negative thinking are either written from a psychological perspective often using psychological terms. In addition, they are often written from a secular worldview. This book does neither. It is written in an easy-to-read format using everyday language and is also written from a Christian perspective. It is like one girlfriend sharing her experiences about her inner critic, what she’s learned and how she’s overcome."

From the Author: "I want people to know that if you can change your mind, you can change your life; and it begins with the way you think about yourself."

A quote from the book: Ask yourself, “If someone spoke to me the way that my inner critic speaks; if someone constantly points out my faults, makes me feel bad about myself, would I be close friends with that person?”

What others are saying about "Defeating the Bully Within": 

“Relevant and Necessary. In a world that’s constantly demanding our attention, conformity, and time, this book comes at the perfect time to focus on what’s important: self-evaluation & reflection! You will be able to find yourself connecting with every word written in this book. It’s beyond time for us to permit ourselves the time and attention to rest, heal, and reflect: this book will guide you and enable you to do so! It’s a must read for all your gal groups! Grab it; you won’t be disappointed!" - Camille Holmes

“As a woman’s group leader and a grief support leader at my church, I can truly say this book is most definitely needed. I can’t wait to incorporate this book into one of our study groups. Women of all ages, backgrounds and at any stage of life can genuinely use “Defeating the Bully Within” as an inspirational guide on how to defeat negative and paralyzing inner thoughts using God’s most powerful tool, His Word.” – L. White

“This book is amazing; it will definitely uplift and inspire women to take control of their inner critics, which includes their negative thoughts and emotions.” – F. Robinson

To purchase your copy of "Defeating the Bully Within": 



To connect with Author Trudy Guy: 




I wanted to spotlight Sheila Dorsey's debut book "A Broken Child Saved by God's Grace" as my pick for the BOOK OF THE MONTH!

This book is about a young girl's brokenness  that led her into single motherhood, which over time, she accomplished a lot, learned self-love/worth, and forgave others as well as herself, but in adulthood the silence began to destroy her and then God's grace stepped in.

From the author:  "I hope my readers gain an understanding of how silence can destroy you from the inside out. In order to heal you have to speak, forgive, and allow God to work in your life."

“Forgiveness was the key for her to truly experience freedom.”  - A quote from the fiction novel inspired by true events

What others are saying about "A Broken Child":

 “My heart is filled with the Joy of the Lord. This book brought tears to my eyes because the story is very familiar. I am glad that Sheila Dorsey gave a voice to the women of color living in silence. The pain of broken trust and filling voids can kill the spirit. I am so glad I am free now. Thank you for your obedience.” - Demi Rutledge

“This is a read that takes you into the world of someone else and their experiences and struggles. You're taken through ups and many downs and the protagonist's thoughts throughout. After finishing this book, you will definitely be reflecting on your life and ways you could apply some of the strength and patience that the main character gained through the book. Definitely recommend!” - Mysheka Brown

“Sheila, I know this was a hard book to write. I applaud you for letting your readers see what silence can do. You not only gave warning signs for parents, but you also gave the victims side. Thank you for opening up and writing this book.” - Marcia Green

To purchase your copy of "A Broken Child": 

To connect with Shelia Dorsey on social media: 

To watch the book trailer, go here:

I wanted to spotlight "Position: Ramblings of a Deeply Rooted Soul" by E. G. Vitulli as my pick for THE BOOK OF THE MONTH! This is a new release by E.G. Vitulli and his 4th book! Be sure to check out the poetry books by this Florida Author!

This book involves writing that focuses on humanity's position in the state of nature, existentialism and simple love.

Genre: Love & Relationship

Pages: 102

What makes this book different than similar ones in this genre? E. G. Vitulli has this to say, "This book is about existential freedom, outside any and all conditions."

I asked the author "What do you hope your readers will gain from reading your books?" His answer:  "Truth and alignment, with themselves - universally."

A quote from the book:  "Deep woods within, keeping what we hide most from one another - no news to eyes and ears. Rugged hands, cupped gently sink lightly with a dip at lakes shore. Kneeling down he faces forward, the moist dawn approaches with the rise of the sun at the edge of what feels like the world."

What others are saying about "Position: Ramblings of a Deeply Rooted Soul":

"I have read all of E. G. Vitulli's books, they are all truly amazing and written from the heart. This one stood out, it is a must read for sure." - Rob

 To purchase your copy of "Position: Ramblings of a Deeply Rooted Soul":

To connect with  E. G. Vitulli's:

Twitter   Instagram

Facebook   Amazon

I wanted to spotlight the book "Joy that Renews" by Steve Akerson as my pick for THE BOOK OF THE MONTH.

Joy That Renews is a devotional book that will bring joy to your heart and refreshment to your soul.

Genre: a Bible-based devotional.

Pages:  175

What makes your book different from those in its genre? Author Steve Akerson has this to say, "The focus of looking in-depth at one specific verse in each chapter of Psalms brings out the intensity of the situations faced by David and Moses and others. My book allows the reader to find themselves in those situations and apply what the writers learned and experienced to their own lives."

From the author: " I hope my readers gain an understanding of how good God is and how much He wants to put joy in their lives and their hearts. I want my readers to know that there are proven things they can do to destroy the habits and sins that have captured them  so they can live in complete freedom."

A quote from the book: "From the look at Psalms 20:7 - "There are so many things in life that will try to grab you. They will whisper that strength and security can be found in them...We are waking up to the truth that the physical things we put our hope in will fail. When you put more and more of your trust and faith in the Lord, your perspective on "things" will change...You will find your future of direction, peace and contentment - the real things of life."

What others are saying about "Joy that Renews":

 "Not only does he use the most faithful and potent English version of the Book of Psalms, the Passion Translation, Akerson aligns his heart with King David and the other Psalmists in their pursuit of the grace and lovingkindness of God in the midst of great personal and external challenges and uncertainty. This fresh new book is an invitation to all who seek the shining, benevolent face of God in these anxious times."    - Dave Householder – Senior Pastor at The Well at Surf City, Huntington Beach, California. #DiveDeepTogether, Author 

"Steve’s devotional from Psalms will set your passion for Jesus on fire. His commentaries will help empower you to experience joy no matter the issue of your heart!"  - Mark Strandjord – Missionary, Teacher, Pastor

"Steve’s passion for knowing the Lord is abundantly clear as he shares his heartfelt revelation of the Psalms. Nothing addresses the reality of the human experience quite like the Psalms, and Steve has masterfully captured key verses to ponder, pray and apply to daily life. As he guides you through each reading, may he deposit in you all that the Lord has freely given him and may you discover the true source of a joy that renews." - Mary J. Nelson, pastor and author of Jehovah Rapha: The God Who Heals and Praying for the Cure

To purchase your copy:


​I wanted to spotlight A Crown of Chains by Erin Phillips as my pick for the Book of the Month!

A Crown of Chains is a YA fantasy retelling of the Biblical story of Queen Esther, with fresh twists based on the original context in this timeless tale of miracles in the midst of forgotten faith.

Genre:  Upper YA Fantasy Retelling

Pages: 430

What makes this book different from those in its genre? The Author Erin Phillips has this to say, “When compared to other retellings of Esther, you'll find A Crown of Chains doesn't shy away from or change the realities of Esther's story, addressing the sexual assault in her story with compassion and appropriateness for teens. It is also definitely a page-turner with a heart-pounding pace that will keep you on the edge of your seat with political intrigue, forbidden romance, and dire stakes!”

Me: "What do you hope your readers will gain from reading your book?”

Erin:  “Hope and comfort, to see that God never abandons us, even when we have forgotten Him, and that He is able to take even the most evil deeds of man and use them to do great good. Even in the darkness, there is always light, if only a candle in a window.”

A quote from the book: "If death is all that awaits me, then I won’t waste it."

 What readers are saying about A Crown of Chains:

“I cannot stop thinking about this book! Brilliant and imaginative, A Crown of Chains offers a fresh take on the Biblical story of Esther, infusing the fantastical with an unmistakable sense of purpose. Erin Phillips is a brave voice in the YA genre. I’ll be counting down the days until her next release.” -Caroline George, author of Dearest Josephine and The Summer We Forgot (HarperCollins)

 “A Crown of Chains by Erin Phillips left me speechless. There were times I had to put this thought-provoking book down just to process my emotions, only to pick it back up again, unable to stay away from the story for long. Roxana’s tale is one of heartbreak and intrigue, despair and hope. Despite knowing the familiar story of Esther, I still found myself surprised by this fresh and imaginative take on the Biblical narrative. Fans of Kiera Cass and Tosca Lee will rejoice over this breakout novel that inspires readers to cling to faith even in the darkest of times.”  — Sara Ella, award-winning author of the Unblemished trilogy, Coral, and The Wonderland Trials

 To purchase A Crown of Chains:

Barnes and Noble

 To connect with Author Erin Phillips:
Website  Instagram   Tik-Tok: @erinphillipsauthor

I wanted to spotlight “On the Duty of Christian Civil Disobedience” by Peter Demos as my pick for THE BOOK OF THE MONTH!  At a time when government rules and workplace policies start to change in a way that violates our faith, “On the Duty of Christian Civil Disobedience” presents a solid Biblical case for when Christians ought to stand up or sit down and the possible costs of our decisions.

Genre: Christian Non-Fiction

Pages: 236

“What makes your book different from those in its genre? Author Peter Demos has this to say, “On the Duty of Christian Civil Disobedience” invites readers to think critically about their decisions to act or remain silent in the face of unjust policies. Drawing from powerful Biblical references and historical examples, this book will educate and challenge readers across the political spectrum on how to do more than engage in social media conversations regarding violations of faith.”

From the Author: “I want the readers to be prepared for the days to come, to know the potential consequences of their actions and how to say no the right way and still lead people to God.”

A quote from the book:  “As believers in Christ, we have to decide whom we fear more—God or the World. And if our answer is to fear the Lord as the Bible tells us, we have to be firm and unashamed of the beliefs we hold.”

What readers are saying about “One the Duty of Christian Civil Disobedience”:

“This is a great book. This is a challenging book. This is a great book because it is a challenging book.

If you are like me, a believer in Christ in America today, it’s easy to become a grumbler. I am also guilty of the bent to bury my head in the sand to the spiraling world yet complain when things in the world aren’t as I want them to be.

In his book, Peter Demos challenged me to get up and go against the flow and live out the faith I profess. This book isn’t about being a jerk, kicking down doors, and putting a finger in someone’s face. It is a brilliant, well thought through, and well-researched book on how to consider the difficult questions that our world is facing. Peter also tackles a lot of the possible excuses that we make and may encounter from those on both sides of the fence.

Thinking about the problems only goes so far, though. Peter gives us practical solution focused ways of handling them. How do we respond to those against us when they would delight in seeing us embarrassed or even destroyed? Do we back down and be quiet or do we push forward and make some noise? The answers and the ideas you read here may surprise you, but maybe not as well.

While this book offers fabulous insight, much of it isn’t original (and I mean that as a compliment). The best book for knowing how to handle these trials we will encounter is the one thousands of years in the making, the Bible. “On the Duty of Christian Civil Disobedience” is chocked full of scripture pointing the reader back to God’s word, reminding the reader that true peace in our world, our country, and our life can only be found from The One who created it.

Pick up a copy. Read it. Let it challenge you like it did me. Then walk out your front door and commit to making a change in your community.” ‐Amazon Review

 To connect with Author Peter Demos:

 To purchase “On the Duty of Christian Civil Obedience”:


For the month of September, I wanted to spotlight the book "Finding Heaven in the Dark" by William L. Ingram as my pick for the   BOOK OF THE MONTH! 

"Finding Heaven in the Dark"  is a true story of the author's self-destructive rebellion, desertion from the Marine Corps, and Ingram's sincere journey towards spiritual and physical redemption. 

Genre: a memoir.

How many pages?: 290 pages.

"I believe my book shares the same essential elements as other personal memoirs,  an authentic and compelling story with a climatic transformation that rings true universally." - William L. Ingram

A quote from the book "Finding Heaven in the Dark": "William L. Ingram is the name on his birth certificate, but it's not the name he grew up with or used for the first 21 years of his life. This award-winning memoir takes a hard look at an African-American son born to an unwed mother during the post-World War II baby boom era. William’s self-destructive rebellion and desertion from the Marine Corps in 1967 turned into a cross country odyssey. As a 17-year-old fugitive, he was finally forced to confront his personal demons."

What others are saying about "Finding Heaven in the Dark":

★★★★★"A message of great hope." - Rose S.

★★★★★"This is truly one of the best redemption stories I have ever read. I laughed and cried with William throughout the story." - Helen

★★★★★"This is the story of a remarkable man and his journey from runaway to redemption." - Amazon reviewer

★★★★★"Well written, historical and nostalgic, definitely worth the read!" -Mary

★★★★★ "I enjoyed this insightful book that takes the reader on a journey through the eyes of a black man who came of age during the late sixties during a time of social unrest and racial injustices. The journey is a painful one that digs deep into the conscience of the reader." - Kindle reviewer

To purchase the book "Finding Heaven in the Dark": 

To connect with Author William Ingram: 


I wanted to spotlight the book "A Place Called Hart's Desire" by Ruth Kyser as my pick for THE BOOK OF THE MONTH!

"A Place Called Hart's Desire" is a story of sadness, forgiveness, and grace. And more importantly, finding love again.

Genre: Christian Romance

Pages: 239 

What makes this book different from similar ones in its genre? Author Ruth Kyser has this to say, "Unlike so many 'Christian novels', my books are more than just a brief mention of the main character reading their Bibles or going to church occasionally. I get into the deep POV for my main characters (even the ones who aren't the main characters) as they search for meaning for their lives."

From the author: "I hope my readers enjoy the story, but also come away with the wish to have a closer relationship with God themselves." -  Ruth Kyser

What others are saying about "A Place Called Hart's Desire":

 "Loved this story - heartwarming and good writing and characterization. Since I own a cabin and I am also a writer, this novel really spoke to me. I was drawn in by the light-filled cover and autumn leaf and the expressions on the couple's faces and then the story won me over. Happy endings are always appreciated as is clean, satisfying fiction. This novel is the perfect escape in any season!"

To connect with Ruth Kyser:




To purchase your copy: 


I wanted to spotlight Terry Iverson's book "Finding America's Greatest Champion: Building Prosperity through Manufacturing, Mentoring & the Awesome Responsibility of Parenting" as my pick for the BOOK OF THE MONTH! 

 This book is about changing perceptions for young people in this country, and careers that do not require a mountain of student debt to obtain, while reminding adults the need to offer our best in mentoring and parenting giving our youth what they deserve for success.

From the author,  "I hope my readers gain hope and focus on the opportunities that abound in manufacturing, while they also gain an appreciation for the need to offer the best in both parenting and mentoring. Young people  should be empowered to follow untraditional career paths to find success despite our culture steering them to a 4+ year degree that could financially handcuff them for decades."

What makes this book unique? "I think my book brings in many statistics about manufacturing that most people just do not know, and interviews from over 40+ fascinating people covering not only the perception of manufacturing careers and opportunities for our young people but also the need for the best in mentoring and parenting them in today's challenging world." - Author Terry Iverson 

 What others are saying about "Finding America's Greatest Champion": 

"A must read for people!  This book is very well written on a subject that is overdue. We need to enlighten our young people of this Career opportunity and the financial benefits. Our Colleges are getting RICH from people getting a degree verses to getting an education."  - W Thomas 

"Transformative Book on Youth, Business and the Future.  "Finding America's Greatest Champion" is one of the most influential business books of our era. No other book speaks to business by starting with our youth - as parents, business owners, large enterprise, educators and leaders." - Michele Kelly 

"A rebirth in the way of life that created this great nation!  Finally, someone (Terry Iverson) did something about exposing the positive aspects of manufacturing as a career choice. For far too long now, manufacturing has been looked down upon for some unknown reason. This book will enlighten, inspire, and motivate young and old alike to become more." - Chris D

To learn more about Iverson's book, go here:

His book is available to buy on paperback and hardcover: 


​​​I wanted to spotlight the book "Tooth Ahoy: Pirate Pete's Voyage to Healthy Teeth" by Dr. Mitchell Kershner & Lisa Soesbe as my pick for THE BOOK OF THE MONTH! This book has reached the   Best Seller list on Amazon for THREE categories: Children’s Health, Nutrition and Oral Hygiene 

Genre: Children’s education, health, nutrition, activities, science

Pages: 43 which includes 30 theme related illustrations

There are not other books out there in the children's book genre like this one! "Tooth Ahoy"  includes recipes, activities i.e. word search, cross word puzzle, maze, all directed to enhancing the lessons of better oral health as well as general health. This book and its message are geared to having an impact on childhood obesity and diabetes. The end of the book includes a science project that encourages  kids  to read food labels in order to learn how to determine how much sugar is in a product by converting grams to actual teaspoons. 

The goal of "Tooth Ahoy" is to provide entertainment and education in a way that engages the whole family and integrating some easy lifestyle changes for the better for the overall  family health.

What others are saying about "Tooth Ahoy":

"This is an adorable book that will inspire your child to take the healthier route when it comes to food choices. The more knowledge we share with our children about foods and their benefits as well as those foods that can be detrimental to our health, the healthier their habits will be. If you have young ones or are a grandparent, share this book with them as I am sure this will will be one of their favorites."  - Prosperous

 "I enjoyed reading the story of Pirate Pete. In this easy reading book,  the characters discover the challenges that a sugar rich snack diet and poor dental home hygiene brings to the teeth and gums. And most importantly, how by improving the snack choices and daily brushing and flossing, alongside regular dental care, a healthier dental lifetime outlook is encouraged. This is a good story to read to your children. Enjoy the adventure of Pirate Pete and keep your smile beautiful!"  - Dr. Francisco Arias

 "My kids love Tooth Ahoy! The book follows the adventures of Pirate Pete and his friends. Kids will be completely engaged in the story and illustrations and will become excited to brush and floss just like their favorite characters. It’s a win win! It’s the perfect bedtime book!"
-Rachael Vaughn

 A quote from the Best Selling book "Tooth Ahoy":

"Dr Smiley, the female dentist, said to Pirate Pete: that Pirate Pete had learned that by eating fruits and vegetables as well as brushing and flossing every day, he and the crew learned how to have a healthy mouth and gums. Well done Pirate Pete!"

 To purchase your copy of "Tooth Ahoy: Pirate Pete's Voyage to Healthy Teeth"


To connect with Authors Dr. Mitchell Kershner & Lisa Soesbe: 


I wanted to spotlight "Miss Little Bea Sharp" by Jessica Rosen and illustrated by David Martinez  as my pick for THE BOOK OF THE MONTH! This book is an illustrated children's book educating children about music and the arts.

"Miss Little Bea Sharp" is a 2018 FAPA award winning children's book about a little musical note who isn't sure which type of music she would like to be part of when she grows up.

Genre: Children's picture book/ Children's performing arts fiction

Pages: 32

I asked the author, "What do you hope your readers will gain from reading your book?" Rosen's answer: "An understanding of different musical styles. It is perfect for early education music classes to introduce the children to different types of music. The book's hidden message about "fitting in" has a wonderful positive message about experiencing new things and not being afraid. Great tool to help children begin acknowledging self awareness and choice."

A quote from the book:  "Bea's eyes opened wide when she saw the rock stars. The drums and the bass and electric guitars! Bea would enjoy being part of this scene: a young girl's idea of a rock and roll dream"

What others are saying about "Miss Little Bea Sharp":

"Both of my children love this book! My six-year-old likes it because the vocabulary in it stretches her reading skills beyond the typical kids' books she has been reading, and my three-year-old loves the characters. Both of my children really enjoy the story and illustrations. As a parent, I really like the message too!" - Shane

"Miss Little Bea Sharp is an amazing story book. My 5 year old loved the explanation of each genre of music. I, as a parent, enjoyed the clever references and style of writing. Jessica Rosen is a talented author and I cannot wait for the series to continue, we are patiently waiting her next story. I recommend this story for children of all ages. Its fun, keeps their attention, and teaches them about music!"     - Sergio D. 

"I am very grateful that when I was in elementary school, I was taught the appreciation of music by teachers as well as trips to the local symphony to hear different types of music first hand. Sadly, that is not the case today, for many students. Jessica Rosen in her book "Miss Little Bea Sharp" cleverly takes children on a journey though the different types previewing, many different forms to experience. Rosen also has a wonderful gift with her words that project to the reader to actually hear the sounds of jazz, rock n roll, classical, and others. "Miss Little Bea Sharp" is a beautiful merging of art structures that should be used at schools to instill an awareness of music by kids today." -  Gary R.

To purchase your copy of "Miss Little Bea Sharp" :


 To connect with Jessica Rosen: 





I wanted to feature the book, “Nineveh Rising” by Don Clifford as my pick for THE BOOK OF THE MONTH!

 “Nineveh Rising”  is a Christian science fiction book to evangelize the lost and disciple the saved by packaging a story following a Biblical timeline from the Rapture to a family reunion at the Resurrection.

Genre : Christian Science Fiction

Pages: 382

From the Author Don Clifford, "The story leads the main characters searching for Truth when the grandfather and others are raptured. The search brings the reader to the 'salvation' knowledge of the Gospel. A Christian reader will be taught several aspects of the Christian walk and many comments on the Scriptures. It is set in the end-times, so the coming of Jesus warns the lost.”

A quote from the Book: "Dex added, “God blinded a generation specifically so we can develop it. God didn’t want people to have these flying machines until it fits into his plan. So, it’s God’s timing. The world isn’t falling apart; it’s falling together toward God’s plan. He wins in the end! He is planning something fantastic, isn’t he?”

What readers are saying about “Nineveh Rising”  :

 “Nineveh Rising”  exceeded my expectations with its seamless blend of science and Biblical references. A truly inspiring and unique Christian Science Fiction read!”
- Luis Cameroon

“Nineveh Rising”  is a captivating and uplifting Christian Science Fiction novel that masterfully blends modern-day storytelling with Biblical references and scientific principles. A must-read for any fan of the genre!”
- Rachel S Villasmil

 To connect with Author Don Clifford:




 To purchase “Nineveh Rising” :




I wanted to spotlight "Alien Taskforce" by A.R. Grosjean as my pick for THE BOOK OF THE MONTH! 

"Alien Taskforce" is a story about a man who loses his memory and the nurse who helps him find his way, as well as proof of his innocence in the Duke's murder.

Genre: Science Fiction Thriller

Pages: 206

What makes your book different from those in its genre? Author A.R. Grosjean has this to say, "The adventure itself is different. First, John/Azula loses his memory and how he learns who he is, is a journey in itself. But then he remembers he was convicted of murder, something he doesn't remember doing before he loses his memory—that's another journey. Then he must face his leader and stop him from evading Earth while proving his innocence. So this story has several journeys all rolled into one and opens to a new series that is waiting to be written. I tossed in a few twists and made some of the characters shapeshifters to keep the readers on their toes and on the edge of their seats.

What others are saying about "Alien Taskforce" (the audio book version):

"Unexpected and sudden twists throughout. This was a very fun and fast paced book with lots of creativity in every chapter! It was skillfully tied together by the narrator who gave each character memorable voices and made it a uniquely enjoyable listen! I would recommend giving this a try to anyone who enjoys sci fi on any level." 

"Excellent story and narrator. This book was a really fun listen! The story was exciting, and the characters well developed. The narrator did an excellent job with the voices, it was really impressive! Just hearing the voice, I knew which character was talking."

To purchase your copy of "Alien Taskforce":

To connect with A.R. Grosjean: