Fiction and Nonfiction books by Jordan Lyons

Author Jalyn Isley

Missionary Matt Drane

Featuring other Authors & Entrepreneurs!

Author Allison Ramirez

         Anna Christine Boulier

I wanted to feature Author Ashalee Bingham for the month of November. She is a debut Author, celebrating her first book release, The Lies I Told Myself. Thank you Ashalee for answering some of my questions today!

 Me:  First Ashalee, let’s begin by telling me a little bit about yourself

 Ashalee : I am a Jamaican who loves food! I adore animals, I cherish new experiences, and I love meeting new people.  I love a good adventure but I'm also a homebody.  I tend to always be the quietest and most observant one in the room however, I can be very outspoken and expressive, especially about the things I am most passionate about. I love to laugh and I find joy in the simplest of things. I believe in making the most out of the life we are given in a way that pleases and honors God, though I have not always done that, I'm learning every day now how to do so. 

Me:  Congratulations on your new Book Release! What advice would you give to those who are aspiring writers?

 Ashalee : Don't overthink it. Your book won't be for everyone and that's ok. Write from the heart and believe in yourself and what you have to say. 

Me:  What is next for you? Do you have any new books you are working on?

 Ashalee : I am looking forward to my book launch on December 4th, 2021. As I am a new Author who just published her first book only a few weeks ago, my goal is to become a best-selling Author and impact as many lives as possible. 

Me:  Wonderful! And what inspired you to be an Author?

 Ashalee : Writing has always been my way of expressing myself as a child and that grew with me into adulthood. I love writing poems and so my mother has always encouraged me to write a book of poems but, for years I doubted whether or not I was good enough to do so. Becoming an Author was a distant dream but, in the most difficult season of my life, I decided that it was time to conquer my fears and step out in faith, and so my journey to becoming an Author began. 

 Me:  What do you hope your readers will gain from reading your book?

 Ashalee : My hope is that my readers will be inspired to build a relationship with God, seek His guidance and allow Him to lead them to their purpose and when they discover what that is to not be afraid to live their true authentic selves, believing with certainty that they are made for more. 

To connect with Ashalee Bingham:




To purchase her book:



Just some of Nicola's audio book titles

I wanted to feature Christian author Jonnie Kidd Whittington on my blog post for the month of September. This writer, piano teacher and VLOGgger has gained momentum with her stories of heart, family and faith!

Me: So Jonnie, you have written several books. What is your advice to aspiring authors?

Jonnie: I have 4 tips To Aspiring Writers 1. Start writing today! Don’t put it off. The right time is now. You already know what you want to write about. Write the first chapter. You can always change it later. 2. Write a mind map. This is fun and very useful. It will help you understand your theme and give you an outline for your chapters. 3. Make an appointment with yourself for a time to write and keep that appointment every day that you have scheduled. 4. Study marketing so that you know what to do with your book when it’s written.

Me: Those are great tips! And what do you hope your audience will gain by reading your books? 

Jonnie: I hope my readers are informed, instructed, and entertained by my 4-book Kidd Family Series. I hope they will draw closer to God as they gain knowledge about Him and His Word through my 5 book Bible Study books.  I hope children are enlightened and enthused about having good social skills, and learn to play the piano through my Katy Kidd Children’s books which are 4 readers and 4 coloring books.  I hope older readers are encouraged to write their story because of my Late Bloomer book.

Me: What inspired you to write your first book?

Jonnie: I was first inspired to write when after prayer for new Sunday School lessons, it felt as if God took my hand and guided me to mark in my Bible the outline for what I knew, at that moment, would become a Bible study book - my first book - Building Your House. I find ideas for my books from life, the Bible and other books, sermons, and people.

Me: Now, you are not JUST a writer. You have a Vlog. Tell me about that!

Jonnie: I have a blog that has turned into a Vlog called Hidden Treasures where many of my nearly 100 videos appear on You Tube. My channel is Turnaround Tuesday Bible Study. I have videos from my three Bible study books I wrote: 1. Wives of the Bible, 2. Building Your House, 3. Protecting Your House from Pests. Currently, I am doing Stories, Poems and Songs. 

Me: What is next for you? 

Jonnie:  I am currently working on a 2nd book of Wives of the Bible and also ghost writing a novel about a woman's family story called Follow Your Heart, and producing another video every week for Turnaround Tuesday Bible Study on YouTube. I will soon launch my online Jonnie Notes Piano Lessons. Fun fact, If you want to learn to play the piano, I could teach you and will soon come out with online lessons. After 50 years I still teach private lessons and love it just like I did the first time I taught!

To purchase Jonnie Kidd Whittington's books: 

To watch Jonnie's Vlog: 

To follow Jonnie on social media: 

Christian Author Jonnie Kidd Whittington

Author Carla Wilson- Squire

Pastor  Jay McCaig

Musician Bill Kincaid

I wanted to spotlight author Jalyn Isley for this month's featured piece. She is the author of the book "The Fruit of Your Spirit." She is also a success coach and motivational speaker. I had the joy of interviewing Jalyn about her faith and her writings.

 Me: What is your book about?

 Jayln: The book shares nine key principles that will help you achieve your purpose and enjoy life along the way.

 Me: What was your inspiration behind writing your book and what is the message you want your readers to learn from your books?

 Jayln: I was inspired to write this book during a time in my life when I was blessed to have an amazing career, family and lifestyle, but I was also stressed out and unfulfilled. God showed me nine important principles that would change all of that for me. Those principles are Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control. When we operate from these principles, the fruit of our spirits will be a purpose-driven, fulfilling life that allows us to leave a great legacy in this world.

 Me: What advice would you give others wanting to write a book for the first time or those who want to start a writing career?

 Jayln: If you are looking to write a book or start a career in writing, get an accountability partner as soon as possible! It’s so easy to put off writing, but the world misses out when we do not share our message. This is an important calling – we wouldn’t have the Bible if people neglected to write down their messages. So get an accountability partner to help you prioritize your book and career. You were born to write!

 Me: Do you have another project or book you are working on? Do you have any speaking engagements coming up? If so, can you explain.

 Jayln: Yes, I’ll be speaking on career advancement at the Educated & Broke event on October 13th.

I am also working on a project that encourages all of us to use our faith and spiritual teachings when we are at work. 

 You can contact Jayln here:
 Instagram: JalynIsley
Facebook: Jalyn Isley – Success Coach
YouTube: Jalyn Isley
LinkedIn: Jalyn Isley LLC
 You can purchase Jayln's book here:

Author Bill Vincent celebrates a new book release! "Word of the Lord: Prophetic Word for 2020" is available now!  I wanted to feature this Minister and Founder of RWG Publishing to find out more about his books and his advice. If you are in need of a Christian publisher, look no further than RWG Publishing!

Me: Welcome Bill! Congrats on your new book release "Word of the Lord: Prophetic Word for 2020."  What can readers expect from your new book?

Bill: "Word of the Lord: Prophetic Word for 2020"  is exactly what the title says. For 27 years of ministry, God has used me to speak Words concerning our country and the world. This is my first book that includes the full prophetic word. It is good to have knowledge of what God is going to do and the enemy’s plans are.

Me: Sounds like a great read! What inspired you to write "Word of the Lord"?

Bill: With all that is going on right now, God has been speaking about it in great detail and I believe it is needed for all of us right now. I am hoping my books will inspire  my readers  to get closer with God. 

Me: You have written quite a few books! What advice would you give to those who want to be authors full-time?

Bill: Be patient. I wrote and published 10 books before they started selling. I even published one book with a traditional publisher and still had a rough start.

Me:  Tell me a little bit about yourself and how you decided to jump into being an author and working in publishing?

Bill: I’ve been in Ministry for over 27 years. I worked in printing and publishing companies for about 15 years before I ever wrote a book. I was a pastor of a church from 2004 to 2010 and was led by God to step away from that position. I had a lot of free time from 2010 to 2012, so I began writing and publishing books. I had about 10 books in the first year, published. Then some people asked me for help and one thing led to another and I started my own publishing company.

To connect with Bill Vincent: 



To purchase Bill newest book "Word of the Lord":


I am here with Author Tierashia Adair, wife, mother and Author to 4 books. She hopes her readers will be encouraged and strengthened in their faith as they gain direction for what God has purposed them to do and the courage to do it. Let's welcome Tierashia  as my featured guest! 

Me: So, Tierashia. Tell me a little bit about yourself.

Tierashia: I am a wife and mother, believer of Jesus Christ, faith and purpose driven woman. I love Encouraging, Educating, and Empowering people through speaking, writing, coaching and mentoring, and hosting life- transforming events. I have published 4 books: Mommy, Will You Play with Me?, Life on Purpose Journal: 3 Keys to Prospering in Your Purpose, An Attitude of Gratitude Journal, and Nothing Can Stop the Promises of God, Not Even Covid-19! (Contributing Author in this book).

Me: Wow! That's awesome! Tell me about your recent book.

Tierashia:  My two journals were launched at the same time. The Life on Purpose Journal: Three Keys to Prospering in Your Purpose is a guided journal for Women of Faith. It has scriptures, affirmations, reflection questions, writing space, and creative space. An Attitude of Gratitude is a journal that builds people’s gratitude muscles through the implementation of the Daily Five. This journal is for men, women, and children to foster a lifestyle of an award-winning attitude of gratitude. 

Me: And what is next for you? Upcoming events? New Books?

Tierashia: I am currently working on two projects: one to encourage teachers and the other to encourage people in their walk of faith through prayer. I am also planning for my next children's book.

Me: And out of curiosity, who are your literary influences? And why?

Tierashia: Those who wrote the Bible, because it really grew my faith and brought me to a clear understanding that I have been chosen for such a time as this to use my creative gifts. When I was a teen, I loved reading Dean Koontz’s books, as well as V.C. Andrews, Toni Morrison, and more. In school, I loved reading the literature in my English classes that most of the students thought were boring, like the Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, Huckleberry Finn, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Wuthering Heights… All of the writers made me see the possibility of the power to influence and impact people's lives in various forms through written words.

To purchase Tierashia's Books: 

I wanted to feature author Judy Lindquist for the month of November. She is an exceptional writer of historical fiction as well as a teacher in Orlando. Thank you Judy for answering some of my questions today!:  

 Me: You are an author of two books "Forcing Change" and "Saving Home." Tell me about your books?   

 Judy: Both are middle grade Historical fiction, so for kids ages 8-13 years old or so, although I have been told by many adults who have read them that they enjoyed the story and learned something new! “Forcing Change” has also been awarded the 2018 James J Horgan Award for an outstanding publication designed to get kids excited about Florida History and heritage. And it also won the 2018 KidsShelf Books Award for cover art. The artist Michael Hallberg created the beautiful cover art for my publisher, FHS Press  

 Me: What do you hope readers will take away from your books?  

 Judy: My vocation in life is to get kids excited about reading, writing, and history. Everything I do from my teaching to my writing is to that end. I would say my hope is that kids realize that history is really just the stories of the lives of those who lived in the past ( and not just dates and dead people!)  

Me: Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to write books?  

 Judy: My advice is always to first figure out what it is you want to accomplish with your writing. What is your mission. Then write, write, write, write, and write. Take any feedback you can to help you grow as writer. Persevere. It was a 7 year process to find a publisher for my first book, and in spite of advice to give up and just self-publish, I held on. So do not give up on your dreams. 

 Me: What are some upcoming events that you are involved with?  

 Judy: My website and facebook page 

are always up to date. I do many school visits, book signings, and author events ( usually about one or two a month) so that is the best way to stay up to date.

 You can buy Judy Lindquist’s books on her website as well as through her publisher ( Florida Historical Society Press) and Barnes and Noble, as well as Amazon! Pick up a copy today! 

I wanted to feature Author Jordan Lyons on my blog post for the month of December. Jordan talks about his two books, his passion for creativity and his love of sports!

 Me: Welcome Jordan! You authored two books! Tell me about your fiction and nonfiction pieces!

Jordan:  My fiction novel is called Crunch Time Cam. It's a story of a boy, Cameron Flint, who dreams of being a basketball star. He has two older brothers who actually are stars on the local high school basketball team. Cam hopes he can follow in their footsteps one day, but he has a few years to go. He's just finally old enough to join the local rec league and wants to make a name for himself there. He's immensely talented, having played many games against his older brothers, but his new teammates are beginners. Some have never even played basketball before. As the story progresses it explores the themes of friendship, family, competition, and teamwork.

My non-fiction book (aptly named Coaching Youth Basketball: Offensive Strategies) is an illustrated coaching book written for youth basketball coaches. It's full of helpful drills, offensive strategies, four basketball offenses, and several plays. There are play diagrams and pictures that really help explain how all of these drills and offenses work to make it easy for new coaches.

Me: I love it! And what advice would you give to aspiring writers?

Jordan: I think that the biggest thing I can say is just to start writing. Don't get too caught up with having the perfect title or figuring out book covers or whatever. Just start to regularly dedicate time to writing and commit to it. Let's say you dedicate 30 minutes every morning to your craft. Some days you will write 1000 words and some days you will write 50. But you will keep making progress and before you know it you will have a written first draft.

Me:  Good advice. Now for those who want to know the man behind the books...tell me a little bit about yourself and how you decided to jump into being an author?

Jordan: I'm originally from Davison, Michigan, but moved to Central Florida a little over 5 years ago with my lovely wife to escape the cold winters. I have a beautiful young daughter and 2 bouncing bunnies that roam our home. My faith is central to my daily life and we are active in our local church. I love sports, especially basketball which I played in high school and coached for several years. I'm also a big Disney and Marvel fan. My favorite books of all time are the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. I also co-host a podcast called Home Impodcast that recaps every episode of the Tim Allen show from the '90s. Writing for me was a creative outlet that I was not getting through my professional career. I'm thankful for that career as it provides for my family, but I felt a need to be able to express myself more than just sorting and organizing data. What started out as a side experiment has turned into a passion that helps bring me fulfillment.

To purchase Jordan Lyons's books: 


To connect with Jordan Lyons: 




To listen to Jordan's podcast: 

Home Impodcast

Fiction Author Susan Bushell

Sports-themed Author Jordan Lyons

Author Karen Whiting

David Rivas

Author Bill Vincent celebrates a new book release! "Word of the Lord: Prophetic Word for 2020" is available now!  I wanted to feature this Minister and Founder of RWG Publishing to find out more about his books and his advice. If you are in need of a Christian publisher, look no further than RWG Publishing!

Me: Welcome Bill! Congrats on your new book release "Word of the Lord: Prophetic Word for 2020."  What can readers expect from your new book?

Bill: "Word of the Lord: Prophetic Word for 2020"  is exactly what the title says. For 27 years of ministry, God has used me to speak Words concerning our country and the world. This is my first book that includes the full prophetic word. It is good to have knowledge of what God is going to do and the enemy’s plans are.

Me: Sounds like a great read! What inspired you to write "Word of the Lord"?

Bill: With all that is going on right now, God has been speaking about it in great detail and I believe it is needed for all of us right now. I am hoping my books will inspire  my readers  to get closer with God. 

Me: You have written quite a few books! What advice would you give to those who want to be authors full-time?

Bill: Be patient. I wrote and published 10 books before they started selling. I even published one book with a traditional publisher and still had a rough start.

Me:  Tell me a little bit about yourself and how you decided to jump into being an author and working in publishing?

Bill: I’ve been in Ministry for over 27 years. I worked in printing and publishing companies for about 15 years before I ever wrote a book. I was a pastor of a church from 2004 to 2010 and was led by God to step away from that position. I had a lot of free time from 2010 to 2012, so I began writing and publishing books. I had about 10 books in the first year, published. Then some people asked me for help and one thing led to another and I started my own publishing company.

To connect with Bill Vincent: 



To purchase Bill newest book "Word of the Lord":


I am here with Richard Wilson, a Writer and Ministry Leader. He has written a memoir, Grace-Healed Eyes, as well as essays and devotionals exploring topics such as faith, hope and grief. Let's welcome Richard as my Featured Guest!

Me: Tell me a little bit about yourself!

Richard: I am a husband, father, writer, and ministry leader in Chicago. I write devotionals and essays for my local church, exploring topics such as faith, hope, and grief. I hold a Master’s of Arts in Ministry Leadership from Moody Theological Seminary. Currently, I serve as Board Chairman of Sunshine Gospel Ministries, a parachurch organization seeking the renewal of the city through ministries of discipleship, mercy, and justice.

Me: You've written a memoir. Tell me about your book.

Richard: In Grace-Healed Eyes, I recount the redemptive journey of my family following the lowest points of my mother’s drug addiction. This memoir bears witness to the power of faith and love amid uncertainty and fear. Dotted with moments of relatable humor, 90s pop culture, and a lived history of Chicago and its suburban communities, Grace-Healed Eyes inspires hope for families struggling together through seasons of crisis. And right now, I’m working on a 30-day devotional exploring the topic of grace.

Me: What advice would you give to aspiring authors?

Richard: Jean Rhys has a great quote: “All of writing is a huge lake. There are great rivers that feed the lake. And there are mere trickles. All that matters is feeding the lake. I don’t matter. The lake matters. You must keep feeding the lake.” I would say to aspiring authors, “keep feeding the lake.” 

Me: I love that! What do you hope your readers will gain from reading your book?

Richard: I desire that readers would walk away with a renewed sense of hope as it relates to reconciling strained relationships, a newfound courage to be vulnerable, and a belief that healing and wholeness are not merely cliches tossed around in a broken world searching for comfort. Instead, they are tangible realities that we can experience in our lives. This is particularly true for those of us in the community of faith. There is a measure of wholeness that we can experience in this life. 

To purchase Grace-Healed Eyes


To connect with Author Richard Wilson: 

Hanna's Inc will give you a taste of the good life!

I am here with the  talented chef and owner of Hanna's Inc, a catering company filled with all kinds of deliciousness! Carol Hanna is a close personal friend of mine and I have had the privilege of eating one of her delectable entrées and I need to share her amazing cooking abilities with the world!

 Me: So Carol, Tell me more about Hanna's, Inc.

 Carol: Whether you’re planning for a special occasion such as a wedding or just have an upcoming meeting, you need to make an impact. This is where we come in. Hanna's Inc. can help you leave a lasting impression on your guests, co-workers, and clients. Let us plan and cater for your next event and give them a taste of the good life. We offer services from event planning, coordination, proposal planning, our very own online coffee shop and brand, catering, bakery and so much more.

 Me: What is the price range? And how far does an order have to be placed in advance?

 Carol: Most events need to be booked at least 3 months in advance for big events such as weddings, concerts, etc. However, if it is a catering service, small event or just need some last minute help we can do a day or so if we are available but we encourage at least 7-10 days in advance.

 Me: What regional areas do you cater to?

 Carol: We are based out of Tennessee and travel to our clients. We serve clients throughout  Tennessee, Florida, the  Carolinas,  New York and the Eastern US regions. For   our catering services, we offer a variety of food from a home cooked to a fine dining experience.

 Me: What is the best part of owning your own catering business?

 Carol: The best part of owning my own catering and planning business is that I get to serve others at an important moment of their lives while enjoying every second of it.

 Me: What is the best meal you've made for an event?

Carol:  The best meal I have ever made for an event was lobster and shrimp and chicken pasta with garlic butter sauce, served with broccolini, a specialized salad, and one of our signature specialty sweet teas. It is my favorite because we got to dress the place up and serve this meal to homeless and low income families. It was one of the most memorable and favorite events.

 Me: What's next for Hanna's Inc?

 Carol: We have serval events coming up.  We will be making another cooking segment on WBIR-TV news on January 8th. Also we will be going on WATE-TV news on the 15th and 17th . Hanna's Inc puts on seasonal tastings and our Winter Tasting is on February 8, 2019. This year we have partnered with American Cancer Society and are making it a tasting fundraiser. Tickets are on sale and you can buy tickets off of our website, Facebook events, and on If you just want that personal touch you can always call one of us here at Hanna's Inc and buy your tickets that way as well.

 You can contact Hanna's Inc:

855-4A-TASTE (855-428-2783)

 Social media:

Author Judy Lindquist

David Rivas is a Pharmacist and Clinical Nutritionist/Consultant for NUTEREL a Wellness Through Guided Nutrition. In this featured piece, Rivas talks about his consulting business, his background and the best techniques for healthy living.

Me: Hello David! Thank you for your time today! To introduce yourself to the readers, tell me a little about yourself and your background.

David: I am married to my beautiful wife Jessica, and we have been blessed with two amazing kids, David and Daviana. I met my wife in pharmacy school at the University of Puerto Rico and we graduated together. We moved from Puerto Rico to Orlando, Florida. My wife was pregnant with twins, David Jonathan (DJ) and Daviana, but David Jonathan came with a special package called severe autism. He had aggressive symptoms, hitting his head to the floor, lacking attention and focus, anxiety, insomnia, diarrhea, an obsession with lining up toys, etc. As pharmacists, we understood that there were no effective medications for autism, but my wife and I refused to give up. I went back to school and became a clinical nutritionist with a Master Degree in Nutrition and Functional Medicine from the University of Western States. I began to realize that the more I improved my son's diet, the better he was getting. I understood the concept of optimizing nutrition. When you get healthy, diseases tend to go away. To get healthy, you need optimal nutrition, exercise, positive lifestyle choices, and high-quality dietary supplements. Now, my son is calm, focused, and has excellent grades in school. He is playing basketball, soccer and loves to swim.

Me: Wow!! So, let's talk about  Nuterel (Wellness through Guided Nutrition). What services do you offer  for your clients?

David: We offer nutritional consultation on how to improve our clients' health with a better food selection for an improved focus, concentration, and energy. Our emphasis is to educate families affected by autism. We may also help individuals with conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and autoimmune diseases, which can be improved with a healthy diet. Nutrition empowers people to be in charge of their health. For example, the brain has self-healing mechanisms that are activated by particular foods. When the client becomes aware that eating the right foods can make a healthy version of themselves, they tend to make the right selections. Also, my clients will not feel that they are inside a prison of a particular disease. Having optimal nutrition requires commitment and work, but it is doable, and the benefits are astronomical, like less medical expenses and a clear mind to enjoy life.  I am available for live webinars and speaking engagements. Being a certified John Maxwell speaker and coach helps me in these areas. 

Me: And what is the price ranges for the services  you offer?

David: The initial consultation is priced at $177 and includes a 45 minute consultation, in which I am going to explain an evidence-based nutritional strategy for the particular situation. I will review any deficiencies or interactions caused by medications, an extensive medical history to uncover which problems may be the root cause of a disease, and, more importantly, what may be improved with nutrition, high-quality supplements at the correct dose, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. In autism, the use of nutritious foods and high-quality dietary supplements can be beneficial for hyperactivity, concentration, insomnia, aggression, etc. My total focus is for my clients to have a better quality of life with more energy, focus, less pain, and more freedom to do what they love.

To contact David Rivas:


Phone : (407)739-3347


Audio Book Producer Nicola MacCameron

Brian Wray is the author of the children's book, "Unraveling Rose." Brian focuses his stories on mental and emotional issues children face, hoping his books will  empower and entertain his readers!

Me: Thank you Brian for joining me today! Tell me about your book, "Unraveling Rose."

Brian: "Unraveling Rose" is the story of a little stuffed bunny named Rose, with a big worry that won't leave her alone. I think that most can identify with what it's like to have a worry that doesn't go away, so I hope that a lot of people will relate to Rose. I was inspired to write "Unraveling Rose", because I was a lot like Rose when I was child. It occurred to me that there might be children who could benefit from a story that focuses on obsessive thoughts. It is estimated that 1 in 100 children suffer from OCD. That's millions of children worldwide.

Me: Very insightful! And what advice would you give to anyone who wants to write a children's book?

Brian: If I could offer any advice to people just getting started it would be two things. First, write about something that has meaning for you. Second, don't forget that it's a craft and keep working at it. It will take time.

Me: How did you decide to jump into being an Author?

 I'm originally from Cincinnati, and have been writing stories for as long as I could put words together. It has always been a passion of mine. I had the opportunity to write for Disney, and it inspired me to shift my focus to telling stories for children.

Me: What do you hope your readers will gain from reading "Unraveling Rose"?

Brian: The stories that I tell focus on children's mental and emotional health issues. First, I hope they are entertained by them. I also hope that they can be inspired by them. When children have the opportunity to see themselves in a story, it let's them know that they are not alone in their experience. That can be empowering.

Me: Are there any upcoming books or projects you are currently working on?

Brian: I am very excited about my next book, due out in September. It's called "Maia and the Very Tall Wall", and it's the story of a young girl discovering the power of using her voice and the possibilities that can come with speaking up and how one’s voice can change things for the better.

Connect with Author Brian Wray:






To purchase "Unraveling Rose"



For the month of September, I wanted to feature C.T. Martin who is a new Children’s Author to the book Burby Bear’s Surprise Award. This author hopes that this “little book, made for little hands, will help grow big hearts in the children and adults who read it.”

Me: Tell me a little about yourself.

C.T. Martin:  I'm a new Children's Author, but have written since I was 6. I love to cook, be out in nature, watch old black and white movies. Married for 29 years. We are both adventurers. We've lived all over the USA, including Hawaii and absolutely love to meet new friends and explore the culture of where we are living at the time. I am very spiritual, thanking God every day for the gift that is life, the joys, and the struggles. Both keep us strong.

Me: Very neat! And what advice would you give to those who are aspiring Authors?

 C.T. Martin: I waited until later to become an Author. I'm 58. I think the greatest advice I can give an aspiring Author is to put yourself out there either through self-publishing, or as I did, and  find a hybrid publishing company that has the know-how from start to finish  of the book. Newman Springs Publishing is my publisher.

Me: Tell me about your recent book.

C.T. Martin:  My only published book, thus far, is Burby Bear's Surprise Award. 75% of net proceeds go to organizations that advance all humanity with their love and care of children in need, specifically, St. Jude’s and Easter Seals.

Me: What is next for you? Upcoming events? New Books?

 C.T. Martin: I am happy and thankful to say I will be featured in the Calhoun Times Free Press (my hometown) in Calhoun Ga. in their Saturday edition. I also have interviews with 2 local newspapers and a meeting with an interviewer at WUTC NPR in Chattanooga. Also, I have 3 books currently in progress, one is a 2nd Burby Bear book about being grateful and the joy that comes with a thankful heart.

To purchase Burby Bear’s Surprise Award:

To connect with Author C.T. Martin

Author Jaimie Engle

Meteorologist David Aldrich  is  the creator of The Captain Accurate Weather App, which debuted as the Number 2 Weather App in the United States! I talked to David about his free App and the importance of being up-to-date on the ever-changing weather patterns!

Me: Welcome David!  Congratulations on the success of your  Weather App!  Tell me about the Captain Accurate Weather App and it’s alerts and features!

David: The Captain Accurate Weather App is a daily weather resource for your smartphone, providing current conditions & forecasts. You will find radar, satellite imagery, and temperature on an easy-to-use and fluid map.  The Captain Accurate Weather App, with the technology support of Baron Services of Huntsville, Alabama, will notify your phone ANYTIME if strong to severe weather is on the way wherever you live. You can even register up to 16 people or places that are important to you for the Safety Net Alerts.

Me: Wow! There are so many useful features on your App! It can can signal severe weather, winter weather, fog, wind and heat alerts as well!  Tell me about your blog and merchandise line.

David: The Captain Accurate weather blog is a daily blog that is focused on weather for the Knoxville area and throughout East Tennessee.  Last summer, I began selling Captain Accurate T-Shirts and gear and giving 100% of my proceeds to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Knoxville. Hundreds of dollars have been raised so far and, of course, it is for a great cause. 

Me: That is such a worthy cause! What inspired you to create your app?

David: I wanted to make a weather difference in East Tennessee. I believe the Captain Accurate Weather App does that because it will notify you instantly on your smartphone or iPad any warnings, watches or advisories you or your loved ones may be under from the National Weather Service. It will also tell you if lightning has been detected within 15 miles of your location. If you are provided critical weather intelligence in real time, you can make smart decisions for you and your family. Dangerous storms, hail, wind, flooding or even tornadoes may eventually strike your neighborhood. The key is to be ready to go into your safe room. Having the information on your smartphone or iPad just makes sense.

Me: That sounds incredibly efficient!  What is next for you? Any Upcoming projects?

David: New platforms. Since November 2019, I have launched a Captain Accurate podcast, website, Winter Weather Outlook for East Tennessee and The Captain Accurate Weather App. I also want to continue to support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Knoxville in 2020. 

To find about more about David, his App, his blog and merchandise line: 


To download for FREE The Captain Accurate Weather App

Google Play

& The App Store

Just search: Captain Accurate

Fiction Author Susan Bushell talks about her books "The Descendants Series" and what to expect with Book #4! Read her full interview on my featured segment for the month of June!

For the month of June, I wanted to feature  Fiction Author Susan Bushell. Her writings are a blend of mystery, history and spirituality. Thank you for taking the time to speak to me about your books and writings! 

Me: So, tell me a little about your books.

Susan: The Descendants Series is a blend of mystery, historical and spiritual fiction. The first three in the series are: The Acceptance, The Promise and The Revelation. The main body of the series follows one of twelve modern day disciples as she searches for something that has been hidden for centuries. Will she find what she seeks or is it the journey that changes her and the world around her. All will be revealed in book four, which I am currently writing.

Me: That sounds like a fascinating read! What do you hope your readers will take away from your books?

Susan: That we are never alone, and light overcomes darkness.

Me: Great message! What makes your books unique than similar books in your genre?

Susan: I have been told my books are more spiritual than religious. The twelve disciples, like the original disciples, are empowered and guided to bring hope, knowledge and love to the world. Offering assistance and guidance to those suffering or in need.

Me: Now, you've been very successful as a writer. What is your advice for anyone wanting to be an author?

Susan: Write your passion, keep writing and learning. There are so many wonderful learning sources for authors available online.

Me: What’s next for you? You mentioned you're currently writing a book now. 

Susan: I am currently working on several books, one being the last in The Descendants series.


To connect with Author Susan Bushell: 





Purchase her books here: 


Talented Musician Bill Kincaid takes a break from his performing to talk about his music!

Thank you so much Bill Kincaid for allowing me to feature you on my blog! The Kincaid Band performs constantly at events and music halls around East Tennessee. I'm so happy you, the lead guitarist, could sit down with me and let others get to know the man behind the music. 

Me: We'll get started. What got you inspired to play music and to be in a band? 

Bill: I grew up singing in church and I always liked musicals espcially Wizard of Oz which is my all time favorite. I asked my parents if I could play in the school band and my dad, who  was a  drummer in his  high school marching band , advised me to play something where I  can learn to read music. My very first instrument was a Clarinet. 

Me: That so fun that music had such an impact on you at an early age. I have to know, who is your all time favorite musician and why?

Bill: It's a tie between Jimi Hendrix and The Beatles. I love listening to Jimi because the way he played guitar then... nobody else was doing that... and with the hair, the clothes and the loud amps.. I said “I want to do that”. With The Beatles, I have to say it's  because when I was a "wee lad".. that’s all you heard on the radio and to this day when I hear their music it takes me back to when I was a teenager.

Me: I especially like The Beatles song "Good day Sunshine." I don't know why, but I always thought they were talking directly to me. So, What is your favorite gig/concert that you ever played and why?

Bill:  Years ago, my band opened up for Molly Hatchett  and the place was packed. They called out our name... we hit the stage... and boom! I didn’t know where I was for the first few minutes of our first song!!  Thank goodness for our bassist who came over and nudged me and then I was like "Oh, we are playing for several thousand people!"  After that song, the set   was over in 40 minutes... fastest 40 minutes of my life. It was a great thrill!

Me: I'll bet that was a rush! And finally, what is your advice for anyone wanting to get into the music industry?

Bill: Be as good as possible on your skills, playing, singing, etc..… Read up on what other folks have done. Go see local musicians .. you can learn a lot from watching. When you are ready find a local place that have “jam nights” and go in with your band or solo and see how you stand. Don’t stand pat..keep trying to be better! 

To follow  Bill Kincaid and the Kincaid Band and to view their upcoming events, visit their page: 

The Kincaid Band! 


Author Laura Thomas

I am here with author Delores Leggett Walker who is celebrating the releases of her new book Daughtry. Delores is a Christian Fiction author who is passionate about her work and celebrates stories that talk about romance, history, friendship and a continual dependence on God.

Me: Your new book Daughtry was just released! Tell me about it!

Delores: Daughtry is the second novella in my Destiny Diaries Series and is available at Amazon in paperback and ebook versions. All of my books are listed at Amazon. Those include the Promise Trilogy (Legend of Promise – Gathering Promises – Promises Kept), Sailor (Book one in the Destiny Diaries Series), and Daddy’s Supper Tales.

 Me: What genre would you say your books fall under?

 Delores: My books are Christian Fiction. They are jam-packed with life, not the preachy side of life, but the kind that tells stories about everyday folks and how they find answers to life-changing situation with God’s help.

 Me: Describe your books. What can we expect from your stories? 

 Delores: The Promise Trilogy chronicles a short time period in the life of Loren Taylor, who at the death of her grandmother discovers a beautiful Civil War quilt that leads her on a journey to North Georgia to learn its history. Along the way, she is pursued by an evil man that tries to take her inheritance and all that it represents and is introduced to the love of her life, a U.S. Marshal named Colton Shaw.

Sailor is a novella that deals with hidden pain that stems from personal tragedy. Although she appears to be the picture of a successful business woman on the outside, Sailor is still the twelve-year-old child that was brutally raped on the inside. Love offered freely for who she is now, is finally able to break through the pain her soul had harbored for so long.

Daddy’s Supper Tales is a family memoir of sorts. I share some of my daddy’s most beloved stories that he told nightly around our family supper table, plus a little family genealogy and photos. This was mostly written for family, but after repeated requests from others I decided to share it with everyone.

 Daughtry follows the romance of two very different people after they find three items that tie their family destines together. Set at an archeological dig in South Dakota, the story travels to New York and then on to Kinsale, Ireland. A certain meadow in Ireland was the place of rejected love in the 1700’s, but destiny brings the descendants of that love back to the same meadow for the rebirth of what was meant to be from the beginning.

 A little bit about Author Delores Walker: As of now her Promise Trilogy is in the hands of a Christian movie producer, she has done a commercial with Kraft Corporation, and her books are available at Amazon and in several stores and book stores. She also  writes a bi-weekly column called Afterthoughts for the TaCoTimes in Perry, Florida. She ends her interview  by saying,  "In my 75th year of life I just might have stumbled into my life’s calling."

 You can contact Delores on Facebook:

 And you can buy her books on: 



I am here with Angela Schmeling. She is a writer with seven published books - including two award winning books, Magnolia Sky (2024 Book Fest: 2nd for Christian Romance) and Unveiled Memories (2024 Book Fest: 3rd for Christian Suspense). I want to open up the Q&A  with this talented writer!

Me: You have written so many books! Let me ask you, what advice would you give to those who are aspiring authors?

Angela: Just start writing. Get your story out on paper! You never know who needs to read the story that's in your heart.

Me:  Yes! And, tell me about your more recent book. 

Angela: I finished the third book in my Unveiled Series, Alex Unveiled, and I am currently writing the final book, Julia Unveiled. This series has been a mystery, suspense series that has twists and turns and has been a blast to write!

Me: What do you hope your readers will gain from reading your books?

Angela: I hope that readers would gain a feeling of being wrapped up in the story like they are right there with the characters. I love books by Christy Barritt, Lori Wick, and Frank Peretti. I love how the books feel so real and that's what I want from my readers.

Me: I love that! So, what is next for you? Any upcoming events or new book releases?

Angela: Finishing the 4th book in the Unveiled Series and then I have another romance suspense book to write called, For The Kingdom (at least that's the current title). I have events coming up in October.

To purchase Angela Schmeling books: 


To connect with Angela Schmeling:






Author Ashalee Bingham

I wanted to feature Author Jordan Lyons on my blog post for the month of December. Jordan talks about his two books, his passion for creativity and his love of sports!

 Me: Welcome Jordan! You authored two books! Tell me about your fiction and nonfiction pieces!

Jordan:  My fiction novel is called Crunch Time Cam. It's a story of a boy, Cameron Flint, who dreams of being a basketball star. He has two older brothers who actually are stars on the local high school basketball team. Cam hopes he can follow in their footsteps one day, but he has a few years to go. He's just finally old enough to join the local rec league and wants to make a name for himself there. He's immensely talented, having played many games against his older brothers, but his new teammates are beginners. Some have never even played basketball before. As the story progresses it explores the themes of friendship, family, competition, and teamwork.

My non-fiction book (aptly named Coaching Youth Basketball: Offensive Strategies) is an illustrated coaching book written for youth basketball coaches. It's full of helpful drills, offensive strategies, four basketball offenses, and several plays. There are play diagrams and pictures that really help explain how all of these drills and offenses work to make it easy for new coaches.

Me: I love it! And what advice would you give to aspiring writers?

Jordan: I think that the biggest thing I can say is just to start writing. Don't get too caught up with having the perfect title or figuring out book covers or whatever. Just start to regularly dedicate time to writing and commit to it. Let's say you dedicate 30 minutes every morning to your craft. Some days you will write 1000 words and some days you will write 50. But you will keep making progress and before you know it you will have a written first draft.

Me:  Good advice. Now for those who want to know the man behind the books...tell me a little bit about yourself and how you decided to jump into being an author?

Jordan: I'm originally from Davison, Michigan, but moved to Central Florida a little over 5 years ago with my lovely wife to escape the cold winters. I have a beautiful young daughter and 2 bouncing bunnies that roam our home. My faith is central to my daily life and we are active in our local church. I love sports, especially basketball which I played in high school and coached for several years. I'm also a big Disney and Marvel fan. My favorite books of all time are the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. I also co-host a podcast called Home Impodcast that recaps every episode of the Tim Allen show from the '90s. Writing for me was a creative outlet that I was not getting through my professional career. I'm thankful for that career as it provides for my family, but I felt a need to be able to express myself more than just sorting and organizing data. What started out as a side experiment has turned into a passion that helps bring me fulfillment.

To purchase Jordan Lyons's books: 


To connect with Jordan Lyons: 

To listen to Jordan's podcast: 
Home Impodcast

The first three books in The Descendants Series

I wanted to feature Author and Motivational Speaker Carla Wilson-Squire on my blog post for the month of November. She talks about her pain, her past and her victorious path to freedom!

Me: So Carla. You have a debut novel. Tell us about it!

Carla: My book, "Look Beyond The Clouds and See The Sun," is about inspiring and empowering others to see past their experiences of pain , rejection, abuse, disappointments  to birth their true purpose. Look beyond the terrible things that have happened to you and even the mistakes that you've made, and see something greater. Many times your purpose is wrapped up in your pain.

Me: How inspiring! And so true! What do you hope your readers will gain from reading your book?

Carla: So my desire is for people to take a different perspective when it comes to bad experiences. We must take all of the misfortunes, and the unfair things that have happened to us, and say "This is actually working for my highest good."

Me:  What is your inspiration behind your book?

Carla:  I was inspired to write my book because one day I was thinking about the events that had taken place in my life. I had divorced my now ex-husband of 12 years and had five kids. He was physically and emotionally abusive to me during our marriage. I was in the bathroom one day and I began to cry, wondering, "Why did all of this happen to me?"  In my spirit something spoke to me and said "You are to help and empower others." From that point I had this desire to use my story , my hurts and my devastation to help other people.

Me: And you are also a motivational speaker as well. How did that start for you?

Carla: I became a motivational speaker because I've always had a love for helping and encouraging people. At the age of 13 I was asked to speak at my church. They also asked me to go to other churches to speak. So I think that desire was planted then at a young age. I know that life can be rough and present many challenges. Because of this many people don't aspire to the Greatness that's within them. They allow life to make them powerless. So I'm a firm believer in Choosing to allow life to push you to Excel and not retreat.

Me: I love it! And I know your book is going to help others! What is next for you?

Carla: I am currently working on another book called "Get Back Up Again" It is for people who were doing good in their lives, had gotten on their feet, but due to some events they lost it all again. Its easy to stay stuck in that dark abyss, when you feel that everything you worked so hard for is now gone down the drain. You feel depressed and hopeless. So this book will inspire so many people. I have been scheduled to speak at a lot of events. Im so excited! Do what you love and love what you do! Impacting people to live their best life.

To purchase Carla Wilson-Squire's book: 


To connect with Carla Wilson-Squire:




Karen Whiting is a full-time Christian Author of 26 books! This mother of 5 and grandmother of 12 hopes her books help families build strong bonds through the entertaining and inspirational messages on her pages.

Karen spared a few moments out of her busy schedule to answer a few questions for me for my blog interview! 

Me:  You've written so many books! Tell me about your most newest book!

Karen: My newest book is perfect for the time we’re in right now. It’s called 52 Weekly Devotions for Families Called to Serve. Inside the book are hands-on activities related do-votions where families can read a story and a Bible story plus activities to apply the Word. These stories focus on people who serve us in our communities and nations. This is a time when service workers have been busy caring for us. It’s also a time of being home as a family that allows us to connect with God

Me:  What advice would you give to those who want to be authors full-time?

Karen: Go to conferences to make connections and understand the industry. Find where you fit. It’s hard to ever be full-time with simply writing books. You need to also be speaking, writing articles and other things than just writing books.

Me: Tell me a little bit about yourself!

Karen: I never wanted to write although I do have 26 published  books. I am a mathematician. For years many people suggested I start writing and share all the activities I did with my family. When I prayed, God called me to write. I started to write, attended a conference, and started getting published in a rather  short time. I will continue until the Lord wants me to stop.

 What do you love most about the writing process?

Karen: The creativity! I am so free to splash my creativity across the pages.  It’s great to be able to write on topics I’m passionate about and share that passion with my readers. That includes my love of bread baking (The Gift of Bread book) that for me is all about family, conversations around the table, growing up in the restaurant business, and understanding Jesus, the Bread of Life. I hope readers will savor bread a little more with friends too! 

Me:  What is next for you? Any new books or projects? 

Karen: I am currently  writing a devotional for mothers. It should be released next year. Moms often have doubts and wonder if they are making the best choices for their families. They want to be affirmed, so that is part of what’s at the heart of what I am writing. I love being a mom of 5 and grandma of 12, and I want to share stories that bring hope and impart ideas to today’s moms. I also continue to write articles you can find at Leading Hearts, The Christian Communicator, and


To connect with Author Karen Whiting: 





To purchase: 



I am here with Paula Banks, an Award-Winning Children's Book Author of Peyton’s Journey and the Bright Beginnings Series. "Becoming an author was always a dream of mine," says Paula. "And now I’m actually living it—and it’s just as amazing as I imagined!" I interviewed this writer on my website for the month of November.

Me: I am excited about this Q&A! Why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself.

Paula: Hi, I’m Paula Banks, a children’s author and the CEO of EION Books. At EION Books, we’re all about sparking kids’ imaginations with stories that celebrate diversity and creativity. Our mission is simple: to create books and tools that inspire kids to see themselves in the pages, dream big, and discover their unique voices. It’s all about helping the next generation of young creators learn, grow, and have fun along the way!

Me: Awesome! Tell me about your recent book.

Paula: My latest book, The Secret of the Golden Clues: Peyton's Christmas Adventure, is the perfect holiday read! It’s a fun and exciting scavenger hunt with Peyton and her two best friends. Along the way, the story highlights teamwork, friendship, and even helps kids sharpen their critical thinking skills. It’s a relatable and heartwarming adventure that kids and parents will enjoy together!

Me: What do you hope your readers will gain from reading your book?

Paula: I hope my readers feel inspired and empowered after reading my books. My stories are all about sparking fun conversations, sharing meaningful lessons, and encouraging kids to dream big and get creative!

Me: I love it! What is next for you? Upcoming events? New Books?

I’m so excited about what’s coming up! In February 2025, I’ll be releasing Marcus and Big Red’s Super Truck Adventure—a fun story all about imagination that little truck lovers will adore. Then in May, just in time for Mental Health Month, I’ll be releasing the fourth book in Peyton’s Journeys series. This one focuses on mental health and is close to my heart.

But it’s not just about books—I’m expanding! I’ve been working on an Author Kit that gives kids the tools to create their own books. It’s such a special project, and I’ll be soft-launching it in June 2025, with the full launch in August—just in time for back-to-school season.

Oh, and for educators and parents, I’m also turning my Young Authors Workshop into a self-paced version. It’s designed to make creative writing fun and easy to bring into classrooms or homes. There’s so much happening, and I can’t wait to share it all with you!

To purchase these books:


To connect with Author Paula Banks:




For decades, evangelists Carl and Terri Harris have traveled  from coast to coast, preaching the good news of the Gospel and bringing the message of Hope to the nations. 

I interviewed Carl Harris where he opened up about his family, his revival services and what he loves most about working for years in the ministry. 

Me: First, I want to say ...I am a huge fan of you and Terri! Your ministry has really influenced me in my faith! To begin,  go ahead and introduce Carl Harris Ministries.

Carl: Terri and I  are  evangelists that travel and preach from Coast to Coast and Border to Border. We have pioneered churches in Kenya, Africa and have recently made plans to impact the Marianas Islands with the Gospel. We have 8 musical albums and we LOVE doing what we do. It is a blessing to minister to God’s people. In the process we have seen thousands rededicated to Him and many first timers coming into relationship with Him. We have also seen many miracles of healing. Just recently in Perryville, AR, we had a Pastor’s mother-in-law come up for prayer for cancer. The doctor wanted to start her on Chemo. She went back to the doctor who could not find any cancer in her body. In another meeting in Altoona, PA, a man requested prayer for his sister who had been released to home hospice. She had stage 4 lung cancer. The very next morning, hospice showed up and removed their beds saying that they had made a mistake. There was nothing on her lungs but scars. God is still in the healing business!

Me: Wow! Remarkable stories! Share with me the origin story and how your ministry started.

Carl:  I was born in Louisville, Kentucky. My Dad loved the bar but mom raised my brother, David and me to serve God. I wanted to be respected by my dad more than anything and it felt like I just could not measure up. One day (I was about 16 or 17 and already ministering in home meetings), he came in a little drunk and said, “Son, do you know how to do good in this church?” Before I could answer, he did, “Tell ‘em what they wanna hear! It’s what the rest of ‘em do. If you do it, you’ll do good in this church thing! You might even have a little money!” Then, he turned and walked off. A couple years later, he repeated the same scenario but I responded, “The problem is dad, God called me to tell them the truth not what they want to hear.” He spun on his heals and strutted out. My mother walked into the room and asked, “What did you say to your dad?” I told her and asked, “He’s pretty mad at me isn’t he?” “No,” she replied. “He just said, ‘I really respect that kid!’ ” A few years after that, I saw my dad come into the auditorium of a little church in Lebanon Junction, KY. At the end of the service I was able to lead my own dad to the Lord.

Me: Such a touching story! What advice would you give to those who want to go into ministry full-time?

Carl: If I were to give advice for those wanting to go into full time ministry I would say: Don’t. If you can do ANYTHING else, do that. If you can’t, then maybe you’re called. Ministry is about the calling. God calls and we obey. It is not about what we want to do... it is about what He wants us to do. People who are driven internally to entertain are not ministers. They are entertainers. When God calls, even if there are only 15 people in the pews, there is contentment because of the obedience to the call. Be diligent because at the end of the day, it is God you will stand in front of. Strive to hear “Well done you good and faithful servant.”

Me: What do you love most about working in the ministry?

Carl: The thing I love the most about the ministry is seeing God change someone’s life. I have seen God do many miracles in people’s bodies and that is always amazing. I have watched as spines straighten. I have seen the shock on faces as the pain they have been enduring for years disappears. Those things are always a blessing. However, the thing that blesses me the most is when I have someone walk up to me and say they remember when I came to their church years ago and they rededicated their life to God or they came to Him for the first time and they have never been the same. There is nothing like that!

To connect with Carl Harris and his ministry:



Pastor and Christian Author Jay McCaig asks us to FOCUS on his debut book about 5 Critical Areas for Spiritual Growth for Christians and Churches! 

I wanted to spotlight Christian Author Jay McCaig for this month's featured piece. He is the author of the book "Focus: Five Critical Areas of Spiritual Growth For Christians and Churches." He is also a Pastor of Crossroads Baptist Church in St. Cloud, FL.  I had the joy of interviewing Jay about his faith and his book!  

Me: Jay, Thank you for sitting down with me today. Tell me a little bit about yourself.

Jay: I was born in Lakeland, FL and although I have traveled to many places in the world, I have always made my home here in Florida. My wife Vee and I have three children and ten amazing grandbabies! I am the Pastor of Crossroads Baptist Church in St Cloud, FL and Staff Chaplain at St Cloud Regional Medical Center. Oh yeah, Go Gators!

Me: I love how you are so active in the community! Let's talk about your book, "Focus." Tell me about your debut Nonfiction piece! 

Jay: Each of the letters in the title of FOCUS represents a different area of spiritual growth. F – Freedom; O – Others; C – Cross; U – Understanding; S – Salvation. Each topic is unpacked in a simple, easy to understand way to help the reader take their next step of personal spiritual growth and draw closer to Christ. I also added some tips in case another Pastor wants to adapt the lessons for their own use and some follow up questions to help the reader go deeper into the topic, if the desire.

Me: I love that! And What do you hope readers will take away from your books?

Jay: I hope that people take away that growing spiritually doesn’t have to be hard or complicated. Quite the contrary, God desires our growth and has His power to see it happen. We simply must do the things He tells us in His Word.

Me: Since you are a pastor, I want to ask you..what is some advice on anyone wanting to go into Christian ministry?

Jay: Make sure it is a calling and not just a desire. Desires are powered by us and often fall short. Callings, on the other hand, are empowered by Christ and His power never falls short. I know many Pastors standing in the pulpit today that view the Pastorate as nothing more than a way to get a paycheck.

Great advice! What’s next for you? Any events or ideas for new books in the future?

Jay: I am working on a series of books exploring the Christian disciplines and how to implement them into our daily life. I have also started recording “5 Minute Sermons” live on my Facebook page and archiving them on my Youtube channel. I am hoping that I can give simple understanding to complex topics/issues in a super short format that doesn’t waste peoples time with a lot of chatter and fluff.

To purchase "Focus":


To connect with Jay McCaig: 




Make sure to check out Jay's Youtube channel: 



Nicola MacCameron is an Audio Book Producer who is unique as she claims  she has "African in my soul, British in my upbringing, and Canadian in most other things. My voice reflects that diversity and variety and versatility." Let's welcome Nicola as my featured guest!

For the month of July, I wanted to feature Audio Book producer Nicola MacCameron. She has narrated pieces with such authenticity, turning the stories into audiobook-masterpieces. She has narrated a collection of works including nonfiction, fiction and children's books, including my own book The Creation Project. Thank you Nicola for taking the time to speak with me today!

Me: Welcome Nicola! First...why don't you tell me a little about yourself. Who is the woman behind the voice? 

 I am a highly sensitive creative being made in God's image. He has been a constant presence in my life since I was gravely ill as a 5 year old. Many years later I realized the "Presence" overshadowing my bed was actually Jesus, holding my life in safety. I love people! I believe community is our most important resource and I love to foster unlikely connections. I love animals and am happy to say they seem to know I won't hurt them. I love children and the Colour Fairy Series by Maggie Jeffrey gives me vibrant contact with them through readings at nursery schools and birthday parties. I am African in my soul, British in my upbringing, and Canadian in most other things. My voice reflects that diversity and variety and versatility. I married my high school sweetheart 30 years ago and we have one highly independent, world changing, creative daughter to our credit. 

Me: Now, you have narrated quite a few books! Your books range from fiction to nonfiction and children's books! Do you have a book that you can say was your favorite to work on? 

Nicola : I don't play favorites. I invest myself in the project at hand with all my heart and soul. That said, I get a different rush of joy and creative satisfaction from fiction that brings God into sharper focus.  I love the demand on my own emotions and the personal connection that fosters. I hope that echoes in our listeners' hearts.  I am constantly auditioning for brilliant stories written by wonder-inducing authors. Truly the variety is stimulating!

Me: What advice would you give to others looking to be an audio book producer?

Nicola: Be wise in the projects you undertake. It takes time to know yourself - how your voice is going to react to the demands, how you'll find the time to sit in the closet, how fast you can complete the tasks that can be monotonous. To build your reputation, shoot for the top i.e. audition for the high selling projects, but don't be so proud that you won't take the humbler projects on your way to being a top producer.

Me: What inspired you to be an audio book producer?

Nicola: Humanity inspires me. Resilience, Grace, Adaptability, Creativity and just plain whackiness! It's the most fun I can have with all the characters in my head!  I regularly hear people say they like my voice, or that the way I speak is intriguing enough that they want to keep listening.

Me: Are there any new books or upcoming projects that you are currently working on?

Nicola: I am presently narrating The Long Lost Fantasy by Ella Rose Carlos. A young warrior discovers a dark secret that links his tribe's leadership to long held prejudices and crumbing lies.

To purchase Nicola's audio books: 

Books2Read Carousel


To connect with Nicola: 




If you want to support Nicola: 


Author Laura Thomas explains that she writes heartwarming encouragement for the soul and  has penned novels, children’s stories, devotionals and articles... through that hope-filled lens. 

Me: Hello Laura Thomas! You are a published Christian Author. Tell me a little bit about yourself

Laura:  I have three Christian romantic suspense novels published as well as a Christian teen fiction trilogy, marriage book, middle-grade novel, several anthology books, devotionals, articles, and stories in magazines and online. I’m a chocoholic mom of three grown children and am married to my high school sweetheart. Originally from the UK, we live in Kelowna, British Columbia as audacious empty-nesters.

Me:  Wow! Congrats on your literary success!  Tell me about some more about your books.

Laura: My Flight to Freedom series is Christian romantic suspense, published by Anaiah Press. The Glass Bottom Boat, The Lighthouse Baby, and The Orphan Beach can also be read as stand-alone novels and are all stories of hope with some nail-biting tension. 

Me:  What is next for you? Any new books?

Laura: I just finished writing my latest Christian romantic suspense manuscript and sent it to my literary agent mere days ago, so now I have to be patient—not my forte! It’s a brand-new series set in an idyllic village nestled in the English countryside, and it involves a Canadian photographer, a dashing surgeon, guilt and grief, and the ugly underbelly of the art world.

Me:  What inspired you to be an Author?

Laura: Books have always brought me such joy. I was an absolute bookworm as a child and dreamed of being the next Beatrix Potter one day. And then many years later, when I shared my dream of writing a book with my husband, he encouraged me to pursue it… and eventually the author life became a reality!

Me: I love to read, too! Who are your literary influences? 

Laura: My all-time favorite book is Little Women, and Louisa May Alcott certainly impacted my desire to be an author when I was a little girl. More recent authors who have inspired me in my writing include Francine Rivers, Colleen Coble, Dee Henderson, Terri Blackstock, and Angela Hunt, for their compelling writing in the world of Christian fiction.

To contact Author Laura Thomas: 






To purchase Laura's Books: 


Andy Carpenter

Author Brian Wray

For the month of September, I wanted to feature Author Jaimie Engle who has written such book titles as "Write a Book that Doesn't Suck" and “Metal Mouth.” Jaimie gives advice to authors, shares her books and talks about her love of reading and writing.

Me: Thank you for being here today, Jaimie. Tell me and the readers a little bit about yourself.

Jaimie: I am a mother of two boys, a real estate agent with my husband, and the owner of a hound dog named Ahsoka. I am a total goofball who could live on coffee and macaroni ‘n’ cheese, if need be. One of my favorite things to do is geek out with readers on Goodreads and inspire kids on TikTok. It is so awesome that authors can just “talk” to people they don’t know who have read their books. It makes me feel like I’m truly making a difference in a kid’s life when I can offer them hope in 15 seconds or less.

Me: You have written quite a few books. What advice would you give to those who are aspiring authors?

Jaimie: If you want to be an author, you must READ and you must WRITE. In reading, you will begin to develop muscle memory to cadence of story and language, truth in dialogue, pacing, and character/story arcs. You also need to write a lot of stories and poems that will never see the light of day. If you think about an athlete, the majority of their time is spent training, not performing. Most aspiring authors have great stories to tell, but they don’t spend enough time training before they think they are ready to perform, and that brings about bad reviews, rejections, and discouragement for a gift that simply wasn’t ready to be shared with the world…yet. I have a great book called “Write a Book that Doesn’t Suck” that goes into details about ways to improve craft. There is also a great Facebook group of the same name that any author is welcome to join.

Me: Great advice! And you mentioned your book title "Write a Book that Doesn't Suck." Tell me about some of your other books.

Jaimie: My most recent fiction novel “Metal Mouth” was an Editor’s Choice by Kirkus and a recipient of the Publisher’s Weekly Book Life Prize in Fiction (2020). It’s about a girl who gets struck by lightning, and then her braces start transmitting a boy’s voice in her head. She has to figure out if he’s real and if so, why has the universe brought them together? It’s a magical YA romance that touches on deep issues such as drinking, self-image, and boundaries with boys. It received such rave reviews by fans and teachers, that I have outlined a dual book from the boy’s POV that I will work on next year. And my next book launches on 11/24/2020… the second book in the Clifton Chase Adventure series: “Clifton Chase on Castle Rock.” In book 2, Clifton is back in the past to help Robin Hood on an adventure, only he might be able to change the future for his friend in the past….

Me: And what do you hope your readers will gain from reading your books?

Jaimie: I write realistic fiction that questions reality, where every day kids become heroes. When I read a book, I want to leave my life…my problems, my fears, my past…and find myself lost in another world and in another’s shoes. I close a book and want to feel like I can become a better person, that I’ve learned something about life or relationships between the pages that I can apply to my own situations. I hope when people read my books they are transported to a world they never knew existed to discover truths about themselves and the world around them. I hope I leave behind a small footprint that can change the world one reader at a time.

To connect with Author Jaimie Engle:



@JaimieEngleAuthor on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, and Snapchat

To purchase Jaimie's Books:


The Captain Accurate Weather App - Free to download!

For the month of August, I wanted to spotlight a Christian musician, Jacki Drane!


  Me: What would you say is the hardest part as a musician?  


Jacki: In music there is quite a bit of waiting. I’m a person that likes everything to go fast, so waiting on things in any kind of process is always hard for me. With music, especially producing songs, it often feels like you hurry up to wait. Sometimes I struggle to not become discouraged during those waiting periods. I also feel like I have learned quite a bit in the seasons of waiting (like that I need to be a little more patient). Even though waiting is hard, I am thankful for how it has taught me that it is ok to slow down sometimes and make sure I get things right instead of rushing.  


Me:  How do you come up with your own lyrics?


  Jacki: Usually I write songs after contemplating different passages of Scripture or when I am processing something with the Lord in prayer. So, honestly, most of my lyrics are just born out of heartfelt prayer that I put to piano or guitar. I have found that singing what is in my heart as a prayer to the Lord helps me really think about what I am saying, and singing about Scripture helps me to really break down and think about what is written in God’s Word.


  Me: What is the process involved in the making of an album for your songs?  


Jacki: So far I’ve only released one album (though we are working on something right now). It takes a few years of writing, and then we pick which songs will go on the album and fit the feel of what I want to come across. Most of the songs I write don’t ever make it to an album. With my first album, Prepare the Way, the focus was having a life focused and centered the Kingdom of God. Once I’ve written many songs, we select the ones that fit best. From there, I will meet with my producer, get into the studio, and start working. The whole process usually takes at least a year or two.  


Me: What advice would you give anyone who’s looking to go into a music career?


  Jacki: I’d say you have to believe in yourself and really love what you do. Don’t wait on someone else to believe in you, believe in yourself and get to work. And IT WILL BE WORK. You have to practice. You have to work to be the best you possibly can be and then work to become even better. You have to be willing to hear the word “no” over and over again and not give up. If you don’t love it, you likely won’t get very far. Pursuing music can be really discouraging at times. If you do love it, you won’t really care about the discouraging moments because ultimately you love what you do and believe in the music you are creating.  


For more information about Jacki and her music, you can visit her website:


Or go to her facebook page:   





I wanted to spotlight Author Kathleen D. Mailer for this month’s featured piece. She is the author of 60 books, including “Walking in the Wake of the Holy Spirit—Living an Ordinary Life with an Extraordinary God.”  She has helped people write, publish and market their own books for over two decades. Thank you, Kathleen for taking the time to speak with me today!

 Me: Tell me about your recent book, “Walking in the Wake of the Holy Spirit—Living an Ordinary Life with an Extraordinary God.”

Kathleen: I have over 60 books that I have written and published in just over two decades. Each book was written for specific purposes and released to do that which it was intended to do. However, my book, “Walking in the Wake of the Holy Spirit—Living an Ordinary Life with an Extraordinary God” was very different for me. It is my Romans 12:1-2 MSG life story—a testimony of how faithful our God really is. It is a picture of how God used my everyday life and brought me through the ‘test’ of my testimony, proving to me and those that walked with me through these God encounters that God’s specialty is ‘the impossible’. It shares the revelatory and miraculous truth of how Holy Spirit is our unequaled helpmate, teacher, comforter, friend, and the author of lives. I am currently living the life I never dared to dream about…and all the glory goes to our blessed God!

 Me: Awesome! What inspired you to be an author?

Kathleen: When I was young, I would always create ‘books’ with folded paper and staples. I wrote poems and created stories. As a matter of fact, when I was in grade 11 or 12, we had an English class assignment for a creative writing project. I wrote a children’s book called “Tracey’s Birthday”. It was about an 8-year-old girl who was sent on a treasure hunt that led her to come back home and find that the treasure was a surprise birthday party that her parents had thrown in her honor. My teacher spoke to the seeds of destiny within me by her remarks, “Kathy, you should have this book published!” I call this the ‘breadcrumbs’ of life. The Lord leads us with ‘breadcrumbs’ like this to help us clearly walk the path of our destiny. As a side note, I DID indeed publish this story for my daughter when she was 8 years old. I renamed it “Dannielle’s Birthday” in her honor.  However, the catalyst that really started this journey of mine was the fact that I was in business, and my ideal clients at the time were the new entrepreneurs I was mentoring. I would get asked the same questions over and over. I casually mentioned one time, “If I had a quarter every time I got asked that question…” Then, my next thought was, “If I just wrote this down, it would save me a ton of time and help so many more people all at once. If only I could systemize this process.” DING! When that lightbulb went off, a picture of my first book ascended into the forefront of my mind.

 Me: Thank you for sharing your story! What do you hope your readers will gain from reading your book?

Kathleen: A clear revelation of themselves that Holy Spirit gives us POWER to do the greater works that Jesus talked about. The Bible is TRUTH. We can live inside the Word because Jesus lives in us, and we abide in Him. I want them to realize that, when you walk in the wake of the Holy Spirit, you can experience more, be more, hear more, know more, do more, live more, prosper more, and love more. This kind of life is designed to point others to Jesus Christ, the One who makes it all possible. THIS is Kingdom living. THIS is the life that Jesus died on the cross to give us. THIS is the journey of our destiny.

 Kathleen D. Mailer is available for speaking, interviews, book shepherding, mentoring, and coaching at:



Just some of Jonnie Kidd Whittington's book titles

Bill Vincent / Author, Minister and Founder of RWG Publishing

For the month of March, I wanted to feature Naomi Craig who is an Author of Biblical fiction novels, avid reader and pastor's wife. Naomi turns the Holy Scriptures into real and relatable stories and she hopes her readers can relate to "the aspect of faith in the midst of these soul-deep struggles." 

Me: Hey Naomi!  Tell me about some of your more recent books.

Naomi: My debut novel, Rahab’s Courage covers Rahab from the book of Joshua. The scriptures are clear that Rahab was a harlot, so this book addresses her struggles to adapt to a new life and culture as well as sorting through the emotional baggage from her life in Jericho. On the other side of it, her husband, Salmah, is mentioned in the Bible as the son of the leader of the tribe of Judah. Tragically the father was in the generation that was forbidden from entering the promised land. Why would someone who grew up with seeing the consequences of sin—and the push towards holiness—end up with a Canaanite harlot?

Me: What do you hope your readers will gain from reading your books?

Naomi: I hope readers will come away with a sense of belonging. To the Lord, first and foremost, but also to know that they are seen. My characters have real struggles and maybe don’t go about getting through them in easy ways, because I don’t find easy ways to make everything turn out right in my own life. I hope readers can relate to the aspect of faith in the midst of soul-deep struggles.

Me: So fascinating! And what advice would you give to those who are aspiring authors?

Naomi: Write the best story you know how to. Learn and grow in your craft. Share your work with others, then apply what you have learned and fine tune it. Your manuscript will naturally improve.

Me: Tell me a little bit about yourself

Naomi:  I love reading the Bible and imagining how things were at the time. When I’m not serving in various areas at church or trying to stay on top of mountains of dishes, you'll most likely find me enjoying a good book and a cup of coffee. I co-host #BehindTheStory, a Christian author interview show on YouTube and wherever you listen to podcasts. When I'm not writing and trying to wrangle social media, I am trying to get my rescue dog to be cute on command for Instagram reels.

Me: What is next for you? Any new Books?

Naomi:Ezekiel’s Song comes out in August of 2022. This story takes place in the book of Ezekiel. I’m sure you are familiar with some of the bizarre things in this prophet’s book? The wheel within the wheel, dead bones living, being instructed to make food over a fire fueled by human waste. This story takes a peek at the lives that would have been affected by these symbols and prophecies.

To Purchase Naomi's books

To contact Naomi Craig:

Website : Download your free novella, On Desolate Heights about Balaam and his talking donkey.



I am here with Maribeth Ditmars who is an Author, Speaker and Blogger who encourages her readers to know that it is okay to laugh in the face of death because there really is something better on the other side. Maribeth's tagline is “Laughter and tears are only a moment apart, but joy is eternal.”

Instead of asking the regular Q&A, I want to use the entirety of this featured piece to allow Maribeth to share her story with the readers. 

Maribeth: I taught school in Sarasota, Florida for many years while my husband, Rob, and I raised our 3 children and several dogs. 

In 1997 our world was rocked when our ten-year-old son, Chris, was diagnosed with leukemia and I began journaling. That journal eventually became my first book, Christopher’s Journey, and I began speaking and fundraising at cancer benefits and nonprofits.

Chris, our funny, compassionate, and loving child, lost his battle with cancer in 2001 at the age of 14. Although he had lost his earthly battle, he had won his spiritual battle. On his deathbed, he assured us that Jesus was coming for him. This began my personal journey to gain a better relationship with Jesus Christ. This is a journey that continues today.

My faith grew, but so did my life challenges. I struggled with alcoholism, and our daughter battled drugs. I was the perfect example of someone who looked great on the outside but was dying on the inside. I followed Chris’s example and put it all in God’s hands. Today I have double-digit sobriety, our daughter is doing well, and we have two beautiful granddaughters.

In 2015, tragedy struck again, and our 21-year-old son, Jarrod, was killed in an accident. Once again, our family was plunged into unimaginable grief. It took a huge toll on our marriage. It would have been easy to turn away from God and back to alcohol, but I clung tenaciously to Jesus Christ and the hope of glory. 

Rob and I had also been given the gift of seeing Jarrod turn away from his rebellious ways and become a true Christian.

My most recent book is Dancing in the Minefields, One Woman’s Faith Journey
through Child-Loss, Addiction and Adversity.

I am blessed to share my hope with others who struggle with adversity and loss. It’s a privilege to also speak at Christian and secular conferences, non-profit fundraisers, and women’s retreats on topics of childhood cancer, grief, child loss, and recovery.

I have also been offered the chance to develop our story into a movie. I am currently looking for investors to fund the screenwriting. We have secured a producer as well as a marketer. So, we just need to pay for the screenwriting. We are offering a 30% return on the profits.

If you would like to connect with Author Maribeth Ditmars:

To book Maribeth to speak at your next event:

Contact Form 

To purchase her books: 

David Aldrich, Creator of The Captain Accurate Weather App

I am here with Matt Drane who is a full time missionary for Chi Alpha Christian Ministries at the University of Memphis. Thank you for being with me today Matt! I wanted to ask you a few questions!

 Me: How does someone get into full time ministry? 

 Matt: It may look a little different for everyone, but step one will always involve prayer and getting wise counsel from spiritual authority figures that God has placed in your life. What kind of ministry is the Lord leading you to? Are there any educational requirements (college/seminary)? Is there an internship to give you a feel for this kind of service? This will help shape what the next steps will be for the kind of ministry you want to pursue. Pray for a servant’s heart and that the Lord will give you a great love for people, these are the two most important qualities for being effective in ministry and it is never to early to start developing them.

 Me:  What was your path of becoming a full time missionary?

 Matt: After I graduated from college, I began serving part-time with the same campus ministry that was instrumental in my spiritual growth during my time as a student. After my wife and I had our first child, we really felt the Lord directing us to full-time ministry. We stepped out in faith and transitioned out of our other jobs to begin raising the financial support we would need to serve as campus missionaries. This involved a long season of sharing our calling with individuals, families, and churches who would have a heart to partner with us in reaching university students with the love of Jesus. There was also an application and screening process with the organization we are affiliated with (Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship) to be recognized and appointed to serve as missionaries with their network.

 Me: What advice would you give to those who are first starting out in the ministry field?

 Matt: Find a mentor who is willing to meet with you, someone who is several years ahead of you in ministry or who is where you would like to be as a minister some day. Their wisdom and advice will be invaluable as you are starting out.

 Me:  What are some problems or pitfalls that you've encountered along the way?

 Matt: Be careful that you do not allow ministry to be all-encompassing in your life, taking time away from your family and your personal time with God. For many, ministry service can easily become an idol, so that is something to be on guard against. Your biggest responsibility in ministry is to maintain your own relationship with God and develop into the person He wants you to be. And your first ministry after the Lord is to your family, so prioritize the things that help keep those relationships healthy.

 You can listen to any of Matt's sermons on his ministry’s podcast:

 You can follow Matt:

Twitter: @xaMattDrane

I wanted to feature Audiobook Narrator Aricka Parent on my blog post for the month of October. Aricka talks about the fun characters she performs and her favorite genres. She tells me she is excited to tap into her Costa Rican roots for her next project!

Me: Welcome Aricka! Tell me about yourself. 

Aricka:  I am a former Music Teacher and Choir Director. I am originally from Ohio and graduated from the Ohio State University with a degree in Music Education and used to be a Middle School Choir Director! I grew up around Opera, and even stage managed a few and I am a classically trained Soprano. I live in Virginia with my family (husband, two sons and a dog) and enjoy hiking and playing a variety of instruments.

Me: I love it! And what advice would you give to aspiring Audiobook Producers?

Aricka: Advice I would give is to listen to audiobooks! Learn more about them by listening and then practicing reading out loud - it's harder than it seems! If you want more information I would check out  Narrator's Roadmap. It's a great resource if you're thinking about becoming a book narrator.

Me: Now, you have narrated quite a few books! Do you have a book that you can say was your favorite to work on? 

Aricka: I don't know that I have a favorite book I've worked on. Anything with something funny in it makes me smile - and I love a romantic comedy! There are characters that are my favorite. There was one girl who was kind of dark and twisted which was fun, since it's my total opposite.

Me: What inspired you to be an Audiobook Narrator?

Aricka: What inspired me... good question! I love reading, for one. And I love audiobooks. My husband got me a gift certificate to take an audiobook class, and I just never found the time to do it. One day, my mom asked me, "What do you want to do with the rest of your life?" and I just blurted out, "I don't know - I just want to sit home and read!" And then I remembered the gift certificate and I jumped in with both feet!

Me: Are there any new books or upcoming projects that you are currently working on?

Aricka: I am working on a few upcoming projects, and they are all different - which I love. A few are a continuation of a book series, and one I got to tap into my Costa Rican roots, which was a lot of fun!

To connect with Aricka Parent

Voices of Freedom is a forum for poets to express "colorful images and textured expressions... written in forward thinking ways that resonate with people from all walks of life." I wanted to feature Andy Carpenter, the man behind this unique creative outlet, in my blog post for the month of August.


Me: So, Andy, what inspired you to create Voices of Freedom?

Andy: I believe that poetry has found itself unnecessarily in the dark. When most  people hear the word "poetry" they are put off by ideas of needlessly long words and strict, traditional technique...this is not the poetry of today and not the means of expression I surround myself in. By selecting the right artists and using the correct methods of reach I strive to reach people who previously have not been exposed to work that can speak to them. The colorful images and textured expressions I aim to share are written in modern, forward-thinking ways that resonate with people from all corners of the world and all walks of life. Poetry can have a much bigger place in the world today and aim to make steps to achieve this.

Me: What is Voices of Freedom and why is the forum so unique?

Andy: Voices of Freedom is an extremely small group of 26 people with no aims to grow or expand our numbers. The artists have been carefully selected to represent many cultures and ages so the images and thoughts our work creates can resonate with large numbers of readers. We work with a zero pressure and zero expectation  which drives an environment perfect for the highest levels of creation. As a team we contribute to anthologies (Winding Path of Life / Dreamer), proof read / edit, book production and marketing. We have artists in the group that create wonderful paintings and drawings that accompany our work in our books.  Our aim is not to make money, but to share and drive poetry forward and reach as many people with the art we so passionate about.

Me: Tell me more about your books!

 I have made two Voices of Freedom Books the first was called "The Winding Path of Life" and the second was called "Dreamer". "The Winding Path of Life" attempts to be a concept book and take the reader on a journey from our earliest steps to our final breathes. The group was a little smaller then with only 12 contributors from UK, USA, Nigeria, Philippines and Canada. We explore the human relationship with the journey of life and the experiences we encounter as we proceed on this journey.  The second book I made for Voices of freedom is called "Dreamer" and it is a beast of an Anthology spanning over 250 pages with 20 contributors from UK, USA, Phillipines, Nigeria, India, Canada and South Africa.  "Dreamer" explores our hopes, dreams, fears and nightmares and was the biggest project I have ever taken on. All our books are available via Amazon.

Me: What do you hope your audience will gain from reading your books?

Andy: I hope our words will resonate with them and that they are able to emotionally connect with us. If just one person read our work and then wrote their first poem and began their poetic journey I would be delighted.

Me: What is next for Voices of Freedom? Another book?

Andy: We are currently building Anthology 3 "As a Matter of Ink". We have moved away from a concept for this book and it is a collection of our finest works. This is still a long way from being ready. We work slowly, continually focussing on quality and giving ourselves the time we need to remain creative poets.  We are only at the start of our journey but by working with a smile on our face we will continue to grow, meet the right people and work towards our goals.

 To purchase the Voices of Freedom Anthologies:

To connect with Voices of Freedom: 



For the month of April, I wanted to feature Allison Ramirez who is an Author, editor, and content creator. She has written a devotional journal called Breathe Deeply and she hopes readers gain a deeper closeness to God when they read her book.

 Me: Thanks for joining me, Allison! First, why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself. 

Allison:  I’m a Catholic Author, editor, and content creator. I live in Washington State with my husband, Nathan, and as my day job outside of writing and editing, I coordinate the faith formation programs at my local parish including Bible studies, Youth Groups, Retreats and more. I love snuggling up with a good book, going on hikes, and spending time with my family, friends, and many pets. 

 Me: Congrats on your new book! What advice would you give to those who are aspiring Authors? 
Allison: My greatest advice for aspiring Authors would be to seek out community as a writer. Writing can be such solitary work, so to have a community of friendly fellow writers who can support, encourage, serve as beta readers or critique partners, and help promote what you’re up to can be tremendously valuable. We need to support and lift up one another! 

 Me: Tell me about your debut book. 
Allison: My recent (and debut!) book is titled Breathe Deeply: The Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary as Invitations to Peace. This is a non-fiction, devotional journal with stories, meditations, prayers, journaling pages, discussion questions and more, to help readers, especially those dealing with stress and anxiety, to discover greater joy and peace through the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary. These are scriptural stories all about Jesus’ birth, upbringing, and early family life. My book is currently available for purchase on Amazon as both a paperback and kindle edition. 

 Me: How exciting! What inspired you to be an Author? 

 Allison: Ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to be an Author. I loved reading and writing stories ever since I was a little girl. It felt right that I would pursue these joys as an adult, and after receiving my Bachelor’s in English Creative Writing, I haven’t looked back since.  

 Me: What is a fun fact about you? 

 Allison: I currently have eight pets which include dogs, bunnies, guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils, and fish! I hope to one day live out in a small county farm home. I also participated in 4-H for nearly ten years, training and showing dogs. 

 Me: And finally, what do you hope your readers will gain from reading your book? 

 Allison: More than anything, I hope readers gain a deeper closeness to God when they read my books. I like to write about a good God working within a broken world and being present to love and guide each and every one of us if we are willing to open our hearts to him and to his love for us. 

 To connect with Author Allison Ramirez: 

To purchase her book, Breathe Deeply:



I wanted to feature Author Anna Christine Boulier  for the month of March! Anna is a Christian Fiction writer to 5 books and is about to celebrate a new release! Anna wants her readers to laugh and enjoy themselves as they read her stories of God's grace and love. 

Me: So, Anna, tell me about some of your more recent books.

Anna: The first five novels are part of the Grace Series. Contemporary Christian romance novels primarily set in my hometown of Cartersville, Georgia. Each of my novels are stand-alone stories  but characters come and go. I love including past characters in my new books because it’s fun to check in and see how they are doing. My most recent novel, Healing Grace is about a young widow. Laura Flowers has sworn off men after an abusive marriage which ended when her husband was killed in action while in the army. Her only goal now is to raise her son, Brian to be a loving, Christian man and not turn into a rebellious kid under her in-law’s influence. A battle she seems to be losing. Jacob Cabot, Andrea’s son in the Marines has been discharged from the military because of physical injuries and even more mental scars. Lost and unsure who he is now that he’s not a Marine, Jacob must find a new place in this civilian world. Under his mother’s influence, Jacob joins the mentoring program at a local school and becomes a mentor to Brian Flowers. Can these three hurting people learn about God’s Healing Grace to find their way back?

Me: That sounds very interesting! And what is next for you? Upcoming events? New Books?

Anna: I have the first novel in a new series coming out May 24, 2021, just in time for Memorial Day weekend. Completely different from my previous novels, my new series The Sunday Mysteries feature Sam Sunday, a recent paraplegic, and his nurse, Reggie Lowes. An unlikely pair, Sam is in his fifties while Reggie is covered in tattoos and has a mohawk. The first novel, The Cat in the Hamper, tells the story of how Reggie becomes Sam’s live-in nurse while the pair investigate the murder of the pesky neighbor.

Me: What do you hope your readers will gain from reading your books?

Anna: First and foremost, a chance to see God as a loving Father who wants a relationship with Him. I also want my reader to laugh and enjoy themselves. My writing is light-hearted but real. 

Me: What is a fun fact about you?

Anna: I have a degree in studio art and interior design. When I’m not writing, I’m working as a professional organizer and designer. My degrees allowed me to not only create my own book covers but design my website and all my graphics.


To connect with Author Anna Christine Boulier: 





To purchase Anna's Books: 
